AFP Wisconsin
Press Release

AFP Releases Open Letter To Joint Finance Committee On Prevailing Wage

Time to Step Up And Send Prevailing Wage Repeal Bill To Governor's Desk

By - Jun 2nd, 2015 04:34 pm

MADISON, Wis. — Today, Americans for Prosperity Wisconsin sent an open-letter to the Joint Finance Committee urging them to pass full repeal of the Prevailing Wage requirement.

A signed copy of the letter is here and the text is below.

June 2, 2015

Joint Committee on Finance
Room 305 East
State Capitol
Madison, WI  53702

Members of the Joint Finance Committee,

We write today asking for full vote on prevailing wage repeal. Studies show that repealing the Prevailing Wage requirement would have saved Wisconsin taxpayers $300 million in 2014 alone. Special interests will continue to make outrageous claims, but if simple legislation can save taxpayers this much money, it should be common sense for us to get behind it.

The idea behind this legislation is simple: the state shouldn’t have to pay more to get less. The Prevailing Wage intentionally and deliberately inflates wages by up to 45% over fair-market wages. It locks out small companies from the bidding process and drives up the cost of important projects like school and road construction. Worst of all, it takes funding away from the places we need it most.

We applaud the courage of Representatives Jacque and Hutton for holding a hearing on this important issue. Despite negative attention and media pressure, Representatives Jacque and Hutton stood up to do what’s best for the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin.

We also thank Senators Nass and Vukmir who have been working hard to move their version of the bill through the Senate.

Legislators are taking a stand and support for full repeal is building across our state.

In fact just last week, Governor Walker announced that he would sign a bill to fully repeal the Prevailing Wage law if it were to hit his desk. Recently, Speaker Vos also came out in support of full repeal.

We ask you to do what is right for the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin by enacting legislation to fully repeal the Prevailing Wage requirement.

Now is the time to step up and help Speaker Vos and Majority Leader Fitzgerald send full repeal to Governor Walker’s desk. This results in a more responsible government.

Americans for Prosperity will always stand on the side of Freedom and fight alongside anyone prepared to move the state forward.

David Fladeboe
State Director
Americans for Prosperity Wisconsin

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.


  1. Barb - West Bend says:

    To repeal the Prevailing Wage law for Wiconsinites is the equivalent of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Ultimately this will save taxpayers no money, if passed, as inferior material and less skilled workers will be hired to do the job resulting in projects needing to be repaired or replaced sooner. Americans For Prosperity ( a Koch supported organization) appears to have problems with workers earning livable wages, and no problems giving the “Job Creators” taxpayer money via WEDC. WEDC has cost taxpayers plenty of money with little accountability and little follow through to see how many jobs were actually created and what we’re the wages. Wisconsin is in a race to the bottom when it comes to workers pay and protection.

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