Weakland misses his last chance to tell the truth

Weakland misses his last chance to tell the truth

The brave survivors of childhood rape and sexual assault of the Milwaukee Archdiocese from St. John’s School for the Deaf have been undoing the folded lies of the Milwaukee Catholic hierarchy and their Vatican overseers for a very long time: nearly four decades.

Governor Scott Walker to commend MSOE and Snap-on Incorporated on Manufacturing Day

Governor Scott Walker to commend MSOE and Snap-on Incorporated on Manufacturing Day

Governor Walker also will address more than 40 members of MSOE’s Executive Motorcycle Group

Congregation plans prayer vigil tonight in response to parking lot shooting death

Congregation plans prayer vigil tonight in response to parking lot shooting death

Parishioners at the St. Hyacinth Catholic Church will hold a prayer vigil this evening in the wake of a disturbing shooting that left a 35-year-old man dead in the parish’s parking lot this week.

Restaurant will be another high quality addition to Bay View and Milwaukee

Restaurant will be another high quality addition to Bay View and Milwaukee

Alderman Zielinski said Ciervo Blanco will be another high quality development and dining option for the neighborhood, the 14th Aldermanic District, and the city.

MCTS Bikes on Buses Program Soars Past 100,000!

MCTS Bikes on Buses Program Soars Past 100,000!

Milwaukee, WI – Already this year, 106,314 passengers boarded a Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) bus with their bike.

Dear MKE Film Series Debuts

Dear MKE Film Series Debuts

Milwaukee Icons, an Unlikely Artist and an Epic, 24-Hour Bike Race Now Online at www.DearMKE.com.

October E-Update from Supervisor Jursik

October E-Update from Supervisor Jursik

October e-newsletter from Supervisor Patricia Jursik.

Vote in Placemaking Contest

Vote in Placemaking Contest

The data is in: Placemaking is rampant in greater Chicago, Milwaukee and Gary! Dozen.s of individuals and organizations from the tri-state region have entered the nonprofit Metropolitan Planning Council’s (MPC) “Space in Between” contest

Common Council members call for County to codify changes in Medical Examiner’s procedures

Common Council members call for County to codify changes in Medical Examiner’s procedures

Several Council members met with the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office on Friday (Sept. 28) to discuss concerns related to the Derek Williams case.

Neighborhood Town Hall set for TONIGHT

Neighborhood Town Hall set for TONIGHT

Milwaukee Alderman Nik Kovac invites residents to share concerns and hear from local officials at a Neighborhood Town Hall meeting this evening (Tuesday, October 2).

Stirring words about freedom bring students scholarship awards

Stirring words about freedom bring students scholarship awards

Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs today announced the winners of the 5th annual Freedom Scholarship Essay Contest.

Citizens still waiting for answers about illegal strip searches

Citizens still waiting for answers about illegal strip searches

Other Council members and I have recently been directing our efforts toward learning more about the tragic death in police custody of Derek Williams, and seeking justice for him.