Republican Laws Mark End of Clean, Open and Transparent Government

Republican Laws Mark End of Clean, Open and Transparent Government

“Once again, Governor Walker and legislative Republicans could not be trusted to do the right thing for our state.”

Intimidated by public opposition, Gov. Walker signs political corruption bills in private

Intimidated by public opposition, Gov. Walker signs political corruption bills in private

Upset by the criminal conviction of six Walker aides on charges ranging from theft to misconduct in office, Republicans have repeatedly sought to weaken Wisconsin’s ethics enforcement and campaign finance laws.

Governor Scott Walker Signs 10 Bills into Law

Governor Scott Walker Signs 10 Bills into Law

Including Assembly Bill 387 which repeals and recreates Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin statutes relating to campaign finance.

Walker Signs Bill to Open Wisconsin to Corruption

Walker Signs Bill to Open Wisconsin to Corruption

“It’s clear that the people of Wisconsin can’t trust Republicans to stand up for clean government.”

Chairman Lipscomb Says John Doe Probe Resolution Unnecessary

Chairman Lipscomb Says John Doe Probe Resolution Unnecessary

The County Board Has No Role in Decision on Appeal

Supervisors Weishan, Jursik, Introduce Resolution Supporting “John Doe II”
Americans for Prosperity Thanks Governor Walker for Signing GAB Reform

Americans for Prosperity Thanks Governor Walker for Signing GAB Reform

Law Will Improve Transparency and Accountability in Government

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats call for hearing about correctional facility safety

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats call for hearing about correctional facility safety

"We were alarmed to learn of very serious allegations of abuse at Lincoln Hills through the media," the letter reads.

WMSE Puts the HO HO HO in Holiday

WMSE Puts the HO HO HO in Holiday

WMSE’s Special Holiday Programming

Federal Budget Advances Key Great Lakes Priorities, Will Benefit Millions of People
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on Department of Homeland Security to Immediately Require Social Media Background Checks as Part of Screening Process for all Foreigners Seeking American Visas

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on Department of Homeland Security to Immediately Require Social Media Background Checks as Part of Screening Process for all Foreigners Seeking American Visas

We write to express our deep concern regarding reports that critical background information of individuals participating in American visa programs has been largely omitted from the visa security screening process.

Bittercube launches Dock18 in collaboration with Twisted Path Distillery

Bittercube launches Dock18 in collaboration with Twisted Path Distillery

Unique Cocktail Lab to Open January 7, 2016