Darrol Gibson Announces His Candidacy for State Representative
Darrol is a political organizer who has helped to put hard working Democrats in office at every level of government.
Apr 25th, 2016 by Darrol GibsonSummerfest Announces Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard Headliners and Performance Dates
Get excited for these great headliners in advance by listening to the Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard playlist on Spotify.
Apr 25th, 2016 by Milwaukee World Festival, Inc.First major vegan festival coming to Milwaukee!
Sample delicious vegan menu items from Milwaukee area restaurants and learn about the various ways in which a plant-based diet can significantly have a positive impact on the environment, can help end cruelty in modern farming, and can improve your health and well-being.
Apr 24th, 2016 by Citizens United for AnimalsMARN promotes local creative development at the New Growth exhibition
New Growth showcases recent creative developments from visual and spoken word artists.
Apr 22nd, 2016 by Milwaukee Artist Resource NetworkUWM receives national award for sustainability efforts
No other UW System school has received the award since its inception in 2012.
Apr 22nd, 2016 by University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeSen. Taylor releases statement about abuse of Milwaukee student
"Based on the video I saw, I am deeply concerned about what happened at Bay View High School."
Apr 22nd, 2016 by State Sen. Lena TaylorMilwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Celebrates Earth Day 2016
Since taking office, the county executive has prioritized environmental activism in every department, from Parks to Transportation to Facilities Management.
Apr 22nd, 2016 by County Executive Chris AbeleWest Lloyd Street Project Begins April 25, 2016
Project from N. 60th St. to W. Lisbon Ave. expected to be completed by October 2016, weather permitting
Apr 22nd, 2016 by City of Milwaukee Deptartment of Public WorksVISIT Milwaukee promotes Megan Gaus to VP of Marketing and Communications
Megan has led multiple initiatives to elevate the region as a top destination for convention and leisure travel.
Apr 22nd, 2016 by VISIT MilwaukeeAld. Donovan to help dedicate memorial tree for late MPD officer
“As the longtime community liaison officer in District Six, Mark knew everyone and was well loved by businesses and residents in the community he served.”
Apr 22nd, 2016 by State Rep. Bob DonovanDemocratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on the 46th Anniversary of Earth Day
"The Republican Party still refuses to even acknowledge climate change is real, let alone do something about it."
Apr 22nd, 2016 by Democratic Party of Wisconsin