Governor Walker Announced $152,000 in Financial Literacy Grants to Wisconsin Schools

Governor Walker Announced $152,000 in Financial Literacy Grants to Wisconsin Schools

DPI conducted the initial review of the 51 applicants from throughout the state, and the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy made the final recommendations.

Festa Italiana’s Chef’s Choice Recipe Contest Returns with a Twist

Festa Italiana’s Chef’s Choice Recipe Contest Returns with a Twist

Cucina Showcase is accepting baked goods to be judged by live panel Sunday, July 24; Seeking a new cannoli champion and kids pizza contest returns!

Sheriffs’ Associations Endorse John Chisholm for Re-Election as Milwaukee County District Attorney

Sheriffs’ Associations Endorse John Chisholm for Re-Election as Milwaukee County District Attorney

Under Chisholm’s leadership, the office of the District Attorney has a 95% conviction rate in homicide cases.

Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin commits more than $20 million to statewide behavioral health initiatives

Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin commits more than $20 million to statewide behavioral health initiatives

The ultimate outcome of this project is a statewide improvement in behavioral health, improved physical health among those with behavioral health conditions, and improved prevention and healthcare resources.

National Gun Violence Awareness Day

National Gun Violence Awareness Day

Turning Wisconsin Orange to Help End Gun Violence

Racine Art Museum Honors Famous Architect during <i>Wright & Like</i> 2016 Tour

Racine Art Museum Honors Famous Architect during Wright & Like 2016 Tour

The Wright & Like 2016 tour features guided interior tours of private homes and public buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright and his contemporaries.

Senator Johnson Finally Leaves Washington… To Fundraise in Texas

Senator Johnson Finally Leaves Washington… To Fundraise in Texas

Johnson has been crisscrossing the country to meet with wealthy backers.

Near West Side Partners Names Colliers International Preferred Commercial Real Estate Provider

Near West Side Partners Names Colliers International Preferred Commercial Real Estate Provider

Colliers will offer professionals prepared to serve property occupiers, owners and investors involved in the Near West Side.

Herb Kohl endorses Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm for re-election

Herb Kohl endorses Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm for re-election

“John Chisholm has proven to be an innovative and effective leader as District Attorney,” said Senator Kohl.

Findorff Recognizes Talent with Recent Promotions
Grassroots North Shore Fundraiser to Feature John Nichols

Grassroots North Shore Fundraiser to Feature John Nichols

Nichols is a nationally known progressive pundit, author of dozens of books, but best of all a galvanizing speaker.

Governor Walker Tours Donaldson Company, Inc.

Governor Walker Tours Donaldson Company, Inc.

The Donaldson Company, Inc. was founded in 1915 and is a global leader in filtration systems with 11,000 employees world-wide.