Record Number of MPS Schools Awarded for Behavior and Academic Excellence

Record Number of MPS Schools Awarded for Behavior and Academic Excellence

Record Number of MPS Schools Awarded for Behavior and Academic Excellence

Six Emerging National and Milwaukee Bands Announced for Radio Milwaukee’s Free “88Nine Block Party” Concert and Celebration on June 24

Six Emerging National and Milwaukee Bands Announced for Radio Milwaukee’s Free “88Nine Block Party” Concert and Celebration on June 24

National Acts Noname, Strand of Oaks, Field Report to Headline All-Day Celebration of Non-Commercial Station’s 10th Year in Community

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting

Sen. LaTonya Johnson Statement on Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting

"My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to those injured and affected by the tragic act of violence this morning."

Prepare to Polka!

Prepare to Polka!

MCTS Shuttle Service to Polish Fest Runs June 16-18

North Point Lighthouse to host the Light Keeper’s Art Show and Sale, June 23.

North Point Lighthouse to host the Light Keeper’s Art Show and Sale, June 23.

Art Show and Sale will feature over 100 pieces in various mediums including watercolor, photography and jewelry.

Rep. Mark Spreitzer statement on Article V convention

Rep. Mark Spreitzer statement on Article V convention

"An Article V convention is an untested, uncontrollable, and undemocratic risk that would open Pandora’s Box to rewrite our U.S. Constitution."

Marquette management professor and chair honored with university’s highest teaching honor
Congressmen Sensenbrenner Introduces the Second Chance Reauthorization Act

Congressmen Sensenbrenner Introduces the Second Chance Reauthorization Act

This legislation provides non-profit faith and community-based organizations with mentoring grants to develop support programs such as drug treatment, housing, job training, medical care, and education.

Senator Craig Introduces Zero-Based Budgeting Process

Senator Craig Introduces Zero-Based Budgeting Process

This requires state agencies to submit a report of every dollar and program they administer to be reviewed by the legislature.

Will Gov. Scott Walker Stand Up For Vulnerable Wisconsinites At Risk Of Losing Health Care Insurance?

Will Gov. Scott Walker Stand Up For Vulnerable Wisconsinites At Risk Of Losing Health Care Insurance?

It's been widely reported that Senate Republicans are drafting their version of Trumpcare behind closed doors.

Northwest Side CDC To Co-Sponsor Promise Zone Bike Ride

Northwest Side CDC To Co-Sponsor Promise Zone Bike Ride

Bike ride through Promise Zone neighborhood promotes improving community access to resources

Rep. Sean Duffy Actually Said These Words Out Loud

Rep. Sean Duffy Actually Said These Words Out Loud

"And my concern, Martha, is what the hell are we investigating?"