Pocan Denounces Trump’s Attacks, Takes a Knee on the House Floor to Join Protesters in Solidarity

Pocan Denounces Trump’s Attacks, Takes a Knee on the House Floor to Join Protesters in Solidarity

"Taking a knee is becoming a broader sign of patriotism and respect for our country, for a country that can be even greater for every one of its citizens."

Gamble with your safety? Barrett says YES.

Gamble with your safety? Barrett says YES.

Mayor Tom Barrett’s budget jeopardizes police and fire funding for streetcar project

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Call to Extend DACA Renewal Deadline for Dreamers in Wake of Storms

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Call to Extend DACA Renewal Deadline for Dreamers in Wake of Storms

"An extension of the deadline would provide DACA recipients more time to collect the $495 application fee and gather the necessary documents to accurately complete the renewal application."

Milwaukee philanthropist Michael Cudahy gives $1 million to Marquette to support first-generation engineering students
ENDA Report Underscores Need for Domestic Violence Prevention in Wisconsin

ENDA Report Underscores Need for Domestic Violence Prevention in Wisconsin

Rep. Sargent joined advocates today to announce the 2016 results of End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin’s annual Domestic Violence Homicide Report

Mayor Barrett’s 2018 Executive Budget Address

Mayor Barrett’s 2018 Executive Budget Address

As Prepared for Delivery

Chinese Lantern Festival’s Asian Cuisine/Chicago Weekend at Milwaukee County’s Boerner Botanical Gardens, Sept. 29-Oct. 1

Chinese Lantern Festival’s Asian Cuisine/Chicago Weekend at Milwaukee County’s Boerner Botanical Gardens, Sept. 29-Oct. 1

China Lights: The Magic Returns is a celebration of Asian culture featuring 50 larger-than-life sculptural lantern displays.

Sparkle Ashley Endorsement Press Release Larson

Sparkle Ashley Endorsement Press Release Larson

"Sparkle has proven herself as an effective leader to tackle the concerns of neighbors on Milwaukee’s Northwest side."

AB 353 hurts local farmers, co-ops, and Wisconsin communities; serves corporate interests

AB 353 hurts local farmers, co-ops, and Wisconsin communities; serves corporate interests

We need to build economies from the ground up, not top down

New Study Finds Gov. Scott Walker, Republican Voter ID Law Kept Legal Voters From Casting Ballots in November 2016 Election

New Study Finds Gov. Scott Walker, Republican Voter ID Law Kept Legal Voters From Casting Ballots in November 2016 Election

‘Enemies Foreign and Domestic Conspired to Manipulate the 2016 Elections in Wisconsin’

UWM announces $200 million fundraising campaign – largest in its history

UWM announces $200 million fundraising campaign – largest in its history

Since the campaign’s quiet phase began, UWM has raised more than $170 million.

Wachs for Wisconsin: Statement on appointment of new DNR Secretary
Wachs for Wisconsin

Statement on appointment of new DNR Secretary

"Governor Walker has decided to again puts politics over people in his appointment of an insider to head the agency."