LISC/ESPN Pilot Home Court Program Grants $25,000 to Renovate a Basketball Court in Milwaukee at Running Rebels Recreational Facility
Award is part of $150,000 in new grants for basketball courts nationwide
May 9th, 2018 by Local Initiatives Support Corporation MilwaukeeGovernor Walker Announces 2018 Governor’s Export Achievement Award Winners
Gehl Foods, Carnivore Meat Co., Optimum Vehicle Logistics honored for exporting excellence
May 9th, 2018 by Gov. Scott WalkerSculpture Milwaukee gives Wisconsin Avenue some LOVE
Robert Indiana work newly added to 2018 installation
May 9th, 2018 by Sculpture MilwaukeeHSA Bank Expands at Schlitz Park and Extends Lease
HSA Bank is located on the second floor of Schlitz Park’s RiverCenter building.
May 9th, 2018 by Schlitz ParkAGC-GM Past President, Tim Jones, Appointed to Building Trades United Pension Trust Fund
Jones’ track record of dedication and leadership to the Commercial Construction Industry will serve him well in his new capacity.
May 9th, 2018 by Associated General Contractors of Greater MilwaukeeAttorney General Brad Schimel Threatens Crackdown on CBD Oil Instead of Holding Opioid Manufacturers Accountable
‘Brad Schimel is Protecting the Wrong People’
May 9th, 2018 by One Wisconsin NowAll-City Arts Festival Kicks Off at Henry Maier Festival Park
MPS, Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. and Summerfest Foundation, Inc. host FREE three-day event; public invited
May 9th, 2018 by Milwaukee Public SchoolsThrowback Thursday Returns to Summerfest on June 28th
Presented by Pick ‘n Save
May 9th, 2018 by Milwaukee World Festival, Inc.Andy Gronik Denounces President Trump’s Reckless Decision To Withdraw From the Iran Nuclear Deal
Wisconsin Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate also calls on Scott Walker to give a voice to the Wisconsinites whose safety is at risk
May 8th, 2018 by Andy GronikMatt Flynn Announces K-12 Education Plan, Calls for Supporting Teachers on National Teachers Day
"The education system in Wisconsin has fallen below the high standards we have come to expect."
May 8th, 2018 by Matt FlynnTheater RED teams with Untitled Productions for I’ll Eat You Last
Barbra Streisand’s agent dishes all things Hollywood at The Kimpton Journeyman Hotel
May 8th, 2018 by Theater RED