Walker and Pence: Talkin’ Trump on the Tarmac?
Walker and Pence

Talkin’ Trump on the Tarmac?

Walker has yet to forcefully speak out against the harmful policies coming out of D.C. from the Trump administration.

African-American Attorneys Host Scholarship Dinner in Honor of Vel Phillips and Dale Phillips

African-American Attorneys Host Scholarship Dinner in Honor of Vel Phillips and Dale Phillips

The 28th Annual VelanDale Scholarship Dinner celebrates and honors the achievements of the late Vel Phillips and Dale Phillips, and the next generation of Wisconsin African-American Lawyers.

Labor Day weekend travelers asked to plan ahead, be aware of changing travel conditions

Labor Day weekend travelers asked to plan ahead, be aware of changing travel conditions

Due to recent flooding and the potential for more rainfall, motorists may encounter closed roads or road crews working to reopen flooded highways.

Kimberly-Clark Employees Remind Us Why Bailout Is A Bad Idea

Kimberly-Clark Employees Remind Us Why Bailout Is A Bad Idea

"Wisconsin taxpayers should not be a bargaining chip in a negotiation between a private company and its union."

Erika Siemsen Announces Candidacy For MPS Board of School Directors

Erika Siemsen Announces Candidacy For MPS Board of School Directors

31 Year Veteran Milwaukee Public School Teacher Will Take Her Classroom Experience to the School Board Focused on Solutions

Sequanna Taylor Announces Candidacy for MPS Board of School Directors

Sequanna Taylor Announces Candidacy for MPS Board of School Directors

Elected Official, MPS Parent, and Educational Assistant Will Put the Students First

City Attorney Shifts Blame to Sterling Brown

City Attorney Shifts Blame to Sterling Brown

"The comments from City Attorney Langley are troubling."

Statement from City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works Regarding Rainbow Crosswalks

Statement from City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works Regarding Rainbow Crosswalks

DPW stands ready to continue our collaborative work with community members, Mayor Barrett, and Common Council members to find a solution that works for everyone.

Joint Statement on the Sterling Brown case

Joint Statement on the Sterling Brown case

From Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderman José G. Pérez, Alderman Nik Kovac, Alderman Cavalier “Chevy” Johnson, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Mark A. Borkowski, Alderman Tony Zielinski, Alderman Bob Donovan, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Robert J. Bauman, Alderman Khalif J. Rainey, and Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II

AFP-WI: New Baldwin Bill Threatens Affordable Health Care Options

New Baldwin Bill Threatens Affordable Health Care Options

"Tammy Baldwin is trying to take away Wisconsinites’ new opportunity for accessing quality, affordable health insurance."

Labor Day Weekend: Summer Fun in Milwaukee County Parks
Labor Day Weekend

Summer Fun in Milwaukee County Parks

Activities over the Labor Day Weekend range from zipping down the slides at the waterparks to taking post-worthy photos at the Botanical Gardens' Trial Garden

Northern Segment of I-94 North-South Project Set to Begin

Northern Segment of I-94 North-South Project Set to Begin

Project stretches from County G to College Avenue