Recent transactions
December 22, 2020 - Mid-America Real Estate - Wisconsin, L.L.C., is pleased to announce the following recent transactions:
Dec 22nd, 2020 by Mid-America Real Estate - Wisconsin, L.L.C.WISN 12 Raises $137,300 for The Salvation Army
Proceeds benefit The Salvation Army's #RescueChristmas campaign
Dec 22nd, 2020 by WISN 12Johnson Statement on COVID Package Vote
Dec 22nd, 2020 by U.S. Sen. Ron JohnsonStatement on Jeffrey Norman as MPD acting chief
From Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II December 22, 2020
Dec 22nd, 2020 by Ald. Russell Stamper, IIGov. Evers Announces State’s General Fund has a Positive GAAP Balance for the First Time Since 1990
Report shows state's former generally accepted accounting principles deficit eliminated at the end of fiscal year 2019-20 for the first time since Thompson Administration
Dec 22nd, 2020 by Gov. Tony Evers