
Statement from Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair on 53rd Anniversary of Equal Pay Act

Statement from Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair on 53rd Anniversary of Equal Pay Act

"Sadly, here in Wisconsin we have seen right-wing Republicans fight tooth and nail against equal pay for equal work legislation."

Commonsense Prevails… For Now

Commonsense Prevails… For Now

"While we may have won the battle today, we have seen attempts from Governor Walker and legislative Republicans to resurrect their unpopular and ineffective policies despite their initial failure and massive public opposition."

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Announces New Bathroom Policy

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Announces New Bathroom Policy

“As of today, the restrooms in my office are gender neutral."

Tippecanoe Library will offer Saturday hours for the first time in years

Tippecanoe Library will offer Saturday hours for the first time in years

News release from Alderman Terry L. Witkowski

DUE PROCESS ACT Introduced in the Senate

DUE PROCESS ACT Introduced in the Senate

The DUE PROCESS Act builds upon changes made in the 2000 Civil Action Forfeiture Reform Act.

Pocan, House Democrats Call on President Obama to Expand LGBT Protections in the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Pocan, House Democrats Call on President Obama to Expand LGBT Protections in the Trans-Pacific Partnership

While negotiators attempted to make progress on various human rights issues through the TPP, the agreement does not include protections for LGBT individuals.

Martha De La Rosa Joins Wisconsin Jobs Now as Executive Director

Martha De La Rosa Joins Wisconsin Jobs Now as Executive Director

De La Rosa comes to Wisconsin Jobs Now with nearly two decades of experience as an activist and leader in the fight for social and economic justice.

Sen. Johnson Votes No on Combating Opioid Addiction and Fighting Zika, Again
Senior Assembly Representative Might Lose Place on Ballot in Fall Election

Senior Assembly Representative Might Lose Place on Ballot in Fall Election

Challenger Seeks to Knock Incumbent Out of the Race in Crowded Field

Governor Walker Appoints Judge Mac Davis and Judge Robert Kinney to Ethics Commission

Governor Walker Appoints Judge Mac Davis and Judge Robert Kinney to Ethics Commission

Both majority and minority party leadership submitted three names each. Two of the minority party’s nominees withdrew their names from consideration.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Cues Up Race Politics

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Cues Up Race Politics

Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. responds to article published in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, ‘Lawmaker blames Tom Barrett for crime spilling into suburbs’

UW Operational Budget to Get Board Vote: Lowest State Support Reflects Republican Cuts
UW Operational Budget to Get Board Vote

Lowest State Support Reflects Republican Cuts

Higher student fees and less state support for our university system are on the agenda this week in Madison.