
Support the Blue Day rally to feature President Hamilton, Aldermen Donovan and Borkowski

Support the Blue Day rally to feature President Hamilton, Aldermen Donovan and Borkowski

“I urge citizens to come out and show their support for our brave officers,” said Alderman Bob Donovan.

Sensenbrenner Commends Justice Department on Music Licensing Efforts

Sensenbrenner Commends Justice Department on Music Licensing Efforts

"We commend the Department’s efforts to guarantee the fair and efficient licensing of public performance rights for musical works.'

Senator Johnson’s Record of Failure on the Opioid Crisis

Senator Johnson’s Record of Failure on the Opioid Crisis

Like a true Washington politician Johnson continues to say one thing but do another when it come to drug addition.

Mistruths dominate Mandela Barnes’ campaign

Mistruths dominate Mandela Barnes’ campaign

“To the undecided voters out there at this late hour, I ask you to vote for me, because I’m the candidate who won’t lie to you,” said Lena Taylor.

Trump’s Biggest Supporters are Lining Up Behind Sen. Johnson

Trump’s Biggest Supporters are Lining Up Behind Sen. Johnson

Johnson's reliance on the Wall Street bankers backing Trump may be part of the reason he's refused to denounce the Republican nominee.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Renews Call for Investments from Washington to Fight Wisconsin’s Opioid and Heroin Epidemic

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Renews Call for Investments from Washington to Fight Wisconsin’s Opioid and Heroin Epidemic

“It’s time for Washington to act by providing funding for prevention, treatment and recovery efforts.”

Edgar Lin Receives Last Minute Endorsement of Assembly Representative LaTonya Johnson
Edgar Lin Endorsed by Two Leading Milwaukee Newspapers

Edgar Lin Endorsed by Two Leading Milwaukee Newspapers

Leading Challenger in 16th AD Race Continue to Rack up Endorsements

Pick A Line. Any Line. Donald Trump Has Crossed It.

Pick A Line. Any Line. Donald Trump Has Crossed It.

Donald Trump has crossed every line there is - except, apparently, Paul Ryan’s line.

Lena Taylor to receive Lifetime Service Award

Lena Taylor to receive Lifetime Service Award

Taylor’s legislative accomplishments include improving public safety, education, and health.

Trump Visit Has WISGOP Crying Crocodile Tears for Sacred Cow Paul Ryan

Trump Visit Has WISGOP Crying Crocodile Tears for Sacred Cow Paul Ryan

‘Given GOP Record In WI Against Women, Minorities, LGBTQ, Poor People, It’s Not What Trump Has Said, It’s What He Won’t Say That Has WISGOP in Arms’

Ron Johnson’s Beltway Blunder: The “Scientifically Proven” Edition
Ron Johnson’s Beltway Blunder

The “Scientifically Proven” Edition

Senator Johnson didn’t let pesky facts get in the way of his defense of the big corporate polluters.