Content referencing Terry Wiggins

Coalition Admonishes I-94 expansion Record of Decision
Press Release

Coalition Admonishes I-94 expansion Record of Decision

Approval of the project harms civil rights, air and water quality, and climate

Op Ed: 8-Lane I-94 Expansion Is Worst for Carbon Emissions
Op Ed

8-Lane I-94 Expansion Is Worst for Carbon Emissions

The 6-lane alternatives are far cleaner and safer, as state analysis shows.

Statement: Proposed state transportation budget will unnecessarily expand I-94 and leave transit riders in the dust
Press Release

Statement: Proposed state transportation budget will unnecessarily expand I-94 and leave transit riders in the dust

Transportation advocates call for more action before the budget heads to Gov. Evers’ desk

Advocates applaud opportunity for public input on I-94 East-West project, but new environmental review process still needed
Press Release

Advocates applaud opportunity for public input on I-94 East-West project, but new environmental review process still needed

WisDOT commits to additional public input and data review on controversial highway expansion project with major racial inequity and climate impacts

Shareholders Express Concerns About Coal Liability at WEC Annual Meeting
Press Release

Shareholders Express Concerns About Coal Liability at WEC Annual Meeting

Neighbors of the Oak Creek Power Plant Demonstrate Outside

Education and Transportation Top Concerns at Budget Forum

Education and Transportation Top Concerns at Budget Forum

Democratic legislators hold listening session in Milwaukee and get an earful.