Content referencing Stephen Hahn

AG Kaul, Bipartisan AGs Push FDA to Examine Progress in Opioid Fight
Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson More Trumpian Than Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson More Trumpian Than Trump?

Wisconsin’s senior senator has become one of America’s leading crackpots.

Baldwin Calls For Federal Safety Rules for Businesses

Baldwin Calls For Federal Safety Rules for Businesses

Uniformity needed, state-by-state pandemic rules leave businesses on "uneven playing field,” senator charges.

Senator Baldwin to Trump Administration: We Need Answers Now on Oversight and Distribution of Hydroxychloroquine
Senator Baldwin Questions FDA on Regulation and Oversight of Hydroxychloroquine
Press Release

Senator Baldwin Questions FDA on Regulation and Oversight of Hydroxychloroquine

Concerns raised about the Trump Administration’s promotion of hydroxychloroquine

Pocan Demands Transparency on Sedative Shortages for Patients on Ventilators
Baldwin, Senate Colleagues Urge FDA to Change Discriminatory Blood Donation Policies to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic
Press Release

Baldwin, Senate Colleagues Urge FDA to Change Discriminatory Blood Donation Policies to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic

As COVID-19 has spurred a nationwide blood shortage, the FDA continues to enforce discriminatory policies prohibiting many healthy gay and bisexual men from donating blood

Pocan Receives CDC Answers on Coronavirus Testing Capacity
Pocan: Coronavirus Testing Capacity Shortage Explained