Content referencing Reena Esmail

Gaudete Brass Quintet to Perform with Carthage Wind Orchestra in First Band Concert Reenactment
Prometheus Trio Opens Season Monday

Prometheus Trio Opens Season Monday

Concert will feature early work of Joseph Haydn, a piano trio by Robert Schumann and a modern piece by Reena Esmail.

Classical: Present Music Comes In From the Cold

Present Music Comes In From the Cold

With an online concert presented Friday featuring a wild and wacky mix of music.

Classical: Let Us Give Thanks With Present Music

Let Us Give Thanks With Present Music

Group's annual Thanksgiving concert offers works by eight different composers.

Present Music’s Thanksgiving Concert Introduces New Traditions
Press Release

Present Music’s Thanksgiving Concert Introduces New Traditions

Sunday, November 17, 2019 - 5pm. Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist