Content referencing Marie Rohde

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Massive Pedophile Priest Problem
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Massive Pedophile Priest Problem

Boston gets all the attention in the movie ‘Spotlight’, but Milwaukee’s problem may be just as bad.

Murphy’s Law: John Doe Supported by Many Republicans
Murphy’s Law

John Doe Supported by Many Republicans

Supreme Court candidate James Daley was among many GOP judges and prosecutors involved in alleged "partisan witch hunt."

Murphy’s Law: Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?
Murphy’s Law

Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?

Challenger could get lots of right-wing money, but that may not be enough in this case.

Plenty of Horne: Huge Turnout for City Birthday Party
Plenty of Horne

Huge Turnout for City Birthday Party

Lots of politicians, journalists, lobbyists and others glad-handed each other and drank free beer to salute the city's 168th birthday.

Murphy’s Law: Terrible Town for Taxis
Murphy’s Law

Terrible Town for Taxis

How a city permit system enabled a cartel to dominate the taxicab business, stifling competition and providing poor service.

Murphy’s Law: Super Scott
Murphy’s Law

Super Scott

Democrats continue to underestimate Walker, even as he radically transforms the state.

Plenty of Horne: Every Politician in Town
Plenty of Horne

Every Politician in Town

Well, not quite, but the City's Birthday Party had a big turnout of politicians and insiders.