
Content referencing Joel Plant

Construction Starts on Deer District Concert Venue

Construction Starts on Deer District Concert Venue

FPC Live plans to open venue in fall 2025, despite 'unconventional' RNC construction schedule.

‘Inflation-Adjusted’ Deer District Concert Venue Approved

‘Inflation-Adjusted’ Deer District Concert Venue Approved

FPC's proposal for a smaller Deer District concert venue finds unanimous support.

Revised Deer District Concert Venue Wins Key Approval

Revised Deer District Concert Venue Wins Key Approval

Council's zoning committee votes yes. Full council vote expected next week.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Revised Deer District Concert Hall Gets First Approval
Eyes on Milwaukee

Revised Deer District Concert Hall Gets First Approval

City Plan Commission adds conditions about future hotel site and requires new safety plan.

Plats and Parcels: Deer District Venue Downsized, But New Hotel Could Join It
Plats and Parcels

Deer District Venue Downsized, But New Hotel Could Join It

Plus: Wine distributor sets up shop on Bradley Rd. and a recap of week's real estate news.

Murphy’s Law: Big Delay in Downtown Concert Halls
Murphy’s Law

Big Delay in Downtown Concert Halls

Will FPC Live ever build $50 to $60 million concert complex? Industry observers have their doubts.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Deer District Concert Halls Okayed Again
Eyes on Milwaukee

Deer District Concert Halls Okayed Again

Zoning committee endorses project. Not our call to decide who is or isn't a monopoly, note Bauman, DCD.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Ahead of Council Votes, FPC Announces Labor Agreements for Concert Venues
Eyes on Milwaukee

Ahead of Council Votes, FPC Announces Labor Agreements for Concert Venues

All jobs at proposed Live Nation-affiliated venues will be performed by union members.

Murphy’s Law: Will Deer District Concert Halls Hurt City?
Murphy’s Law

Will Deer District Concert Halls Hurt City?

Will proposed venues bring more concerts to town or crush its current concert promoters?

Eyes on Milwaukee: Deer District Concert Venue Wins First Approval, Despite Objections
Eyes on Milwaukee

Deer District Concert Venue Wins First Approval, Despite Objections

Other concert venues fight Live Nation's entrance into Milwaukee market.

Murphy’s Law: The Battle For Downtown Concert Venues
Murphy’s Law

The Battle For Downtown Concert Venues

It’s Live Nation and the Bucks vs. Gary Witt and the Pabst. Which proposal will win?

Eyes on Milwaukee: Bucks, FPC Plan Downtown Concert Venue
Eyes on Milwaukee

Bucks, FPC Plan Downtown Concert Venue

Two buildings with 800 and 4,000 person capacities on former Bradley Center site.

Murphy’s Law: Why Is Summerfest Helping Live Nation?
Murphy’s Law

Why Is Summerfest Helping Live Nation?

National ‘monopoly’ company’s proposed music halls in Third Ward target local companies.

Alderman Donovan asks for change in MPD vehicle pursuit policy
Press Release

Alderman Donovan asks for change in MPD vehicle pursuit policy

Current ‘no chase’ policy is emboldening criminals, Alderman Donovan says

Article: MPD chief of staff now moonlighting in Pittsburgh
Press Release

Article: MPD chief of staff now moonlighting in Pittsburgh

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan November 21, 2014

Gun Bills Fail, Shots Fly

Gun Bills Fail, Shots Fly

Chief Flynn implores legislature to pass bill targeting illegal gun possession. Will Republicans respond?

Republicans Back Anti-Gun Bill

Republicans Back Anti-Gun Bill

Mandatory three-year term for illegal gun possession has support of Flynn and Barrett. But will it pass?

Murphy’s Law: Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn
Murphy’s Law

Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn

Journal Sentinel story criticizing department doesn’t report data showing decline.

Murphy’s Law: Should Chief Flynn Resign?
Murphy’s Law

Should Chief Flynn Resign?

The city is divided over the chief. But is it all his fault?