Content referencing George W. Bush - Page 2

Court Watch: Law Prof Calls for Sentencing Reform
Court Watch

Law Prof Calls for Sentencing Reform

75 million adults have criminal records, lose many rights, disqualified from jobs.

State Sees Rise in Hate Groups

State Sees Rise in Hate Groups

Increase in anti-Semitic, racist incidents reflects national increase in hate groups.

Data Wonk: Should State Look Beyond Manufacturing?
Data Wonk

Should State Look Beyond Manufacturing?

Rustbelt jobs have steadily declined since 1990. State should look elsewhere for answers.

Smart Politics: Evers vs. Walker Would Be Historic Race
Smart Politics

Evers vs. Walker Would Be Historic Race

One of few times in history two incumbent state officials oppose each other.

Reps. Sensenbrenner and Conyers Reintroduce Bipartisan Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2017
Press Release

Reps. Sensenbrenner and Conyers Reintroduce Bipartisan Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2017

"Every American – no matter the color of their skin – needs to know that we understand their right to vote is sacred."

Op Ed: The Medicare Advantage
Op Ed

The Medicare Advantage

It has consumer choice, competition and lower costs. A better model than Medicaid.

Governor Walker Appoints District I Court of Appeals Judge
Press Release

Governor Walker Appoints District I Court of Appeals Judge

"Judge Dugan is an outstanding judge, and I’m thrilled to appoint him to the District I Court of Appeals."

Governor Walker Appoints Judge Mac Davis and Judge Robert Kinney to Ethics Commission
Press Release

Governor Walker Appoints Judge Mac Davis and Judge Robert Kinney to Ethics Commission

Both majority and minority party leadership submitted three names each. Two of the minority party’s nominees withdrew their names from consideration.

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