
Content referencing Elan Peltz

New Eco-Friendly Store Planned at Former Glass Pantry

New Eco-Friendly Store Planned at Former Glass Pantry

'Milwaukee doesn't want to lose a low-waste presence,' Green Life Trading Co. would open within the next few months in Walker's Point.

Eyes on Milwaukee: World Naked Bike Ride Coming!
Eyes on Milwaukee

World Naked Bike Ride Coming!

Next July Milwaukee strips down to join 70 cities globally that hold naked bike rides.

Friday Photos: East Terrace Apartments Taking Shape
Friday Photos

East Terrace Apartments Taking Shape

They're all corner units in the Jackson Street complex, and you can set the thermostat with your iPhone.

Plenty of Horne: Brady Street BID Expands Boundaries?
Plenty of Horne

Brady Street BID Expands Boundaries?

And Milwaukee's corporations asleep on gay marriage issue?