Content referencing Dan Cody

Murphy’s Law: Sheriff Clarke’s New Buddies
Murphy’s Law

Sheriff Clarke’s New Buddies

The conservative lawman and liberal county board have suddenly gotten very friendly. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Biggest Taxer in Town
Murphy’s Law

Biggest Taxer in Town

Over the last five years property taxes have been driven by just one of the five local taxing units: Milwaukee Public Schools.

Eyes on Milwaukee: The Slow Demise of Sydney Hih
Eyes on Milwaukee

The Slow Demise of Sydney Hih

Sydney Hih could be saved, a witch hunt on North Ave, UWM has a baseball team (?), and Alderman Jose Perez wins a game for the Brewers.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Taxi Cabs, Elections, and More
Eyes on Milwaukee

Taxi Cabs, Elections, and More

Welcome to the first weekly installment of Eyes on the Street, a new column running down what's happening in urban Milwaukee. This week features taxi cabs, election news, a list of openings and closings, and the photo of the week.

South Shore Listening Session Recap

South Shore Listening Session Recap

Following the veto of Milwaukee County transit sales tax by Governor Doyle, Representative Christine Sinicki, Senate Jeff Plale, and Representative Jon Richards held a listening session at the South Shore Park Pavilion.