Content referencing Chris J. Christie

New Marquette Law School Poll finds tight races in Wisconsin presidential primaries
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds tight races in Wisconsin presidential primaries

Feingold holds lead over Johnson in U.S. Senate race

Data Wonk: How Liberals Imitate Right Wing
Data Wonk

How Liberals Imitate Right Wing

Their stance on Abele and charter schools is just as close-minded as right wingers.

New MU Law School Poll finds Carson, Trump and Rubio atop Wisconsin primary race
Press Release

New MU Law School Poll finds Carson, Trump and Rubio atop Wisconsin primary race

Clinton holds edge among Wisconsin Democrats

Murphy’s Law: 8 Reasons Why Walker’s Campaign Failed
Murphy’s Law

8 Reasons Why Walker’s Campaign Failed

Media analysts nationally have mostly missed the real story.

Marquette Law School Poll finds Walker job approval at 37 percent, following presidential run
Press Release

Marquette Law School Poll finds Walker job approval at 37 percent, following presidential run

Trump takes GOP lead, Clinton holds Dem edge in Wisconsin

What the GOP Debates Didn’t Address

What the GOP Debates Didn’t Address

They offered great entertainment, but candidates are missing some huge issues.

Marquette Law School Poll shows Walker in tight race with Burke for Wisconsin governor in 2014
Press Release

Marquette Law School Poll shows Walker in tight race with Burke for Wisconsin governor in 2014

A new Marquette Law School Poll finds that, just over a year from the election, the 2014 Wisconsin governor’s race is shaping up to be very competitive.