Content referencing Bill Williams

Battle Over Iron Mine Leaves Scars

Battle Over Iron Mine Leaves Scars

The battle "tore the community apart" for mine that was never going to happen, Jauch charges.

The State of Politics: Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper
The State of Politics

Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper

After all the controversy, it’s been killed, with barely a word from partisans on either side. Why?

The Man Behind Wisconsin’s Iron Mine

The Man Behind Wisconsin’s Iron Mine

Billionaire Chris Cline promises his mine won’t pollute Wisconsin. But his company’s track record mining coal raises doubts.

The Fight Against Wisconsin’s Iron Mine

The Fight Against Wisconsin’s Iron Mine

Tribal leaders, environmentalists and local officials have united to fight a massive mine which could be toxic to a water-rich area known as “Wisconsin’s Everglades.”