Content referencing Anneliese Dickman

GOP Bill Would Block Use of Credit Card Code For Gun Stores

GOP Bill Would Block Use of Credit Card Code For Gun Stores

Merchandise code for gun retailers would help track suspicious weapons purchases gun control advocates say.

Jewish Museum Milwaukee finds every silver lining during shutdown
Press Release

Jewish Museum Milwaukee finds every silver lining during shutdown

Museum’s extensive virtual offerings include online exhibits, virtual field trips and conversations with renowned experts

Op Ed: Choice Schools Must Share Data
Op Ed

Choice Schools Must Share Data

Voucher advocates like Scott Jensen were wrong; parents need to know achievement data.

Uncertain Outlook for Milwaukee Public Schools?

Uncertain Outlook for Milwaukee Public Schools?

Poverty, crime and retiree benefits all are issues for MPS, Thornton tells conference on schools.

How Good Are City’s After-School Programs?

How Good Are City’s After-School Programs?

New study by the Public Policy Forum finds strengths and weaknesses in programs for kids.

Day Care Centers Face Financial Squeeze

Day Care Centers Face Financial Squeeze

State reimbursement rates are 13 percent lower than market rate, could force centers out of business.