Content referencing Anne Egan-Waukau

Brewers Tailgate Used To Rally Native Americans To Vote

Brewers Tailgate Used To Rally Native Americans To Vote

Event organizers Wisconsin Native Vote hope to increase voter turnout among Native Americans.

Wisconsin Native Vote to host over 1000-person Native tailgate to get out the vote
Native Organizers Plan Voter Registration Drive at Brewers Tailgate

Native Organizers Plan Voter Registration Drive at Brewers Tailgate

Wisconsin Native Vote will host ‘Sko Vote Den’ on Aug. 15 at American Family Field.

Urban Native Leaders Promote the Vote

Urban Native Leaders Promote the Vote

Tribal leaders and organizations encourage native voter turnout at community event.

Wisconsin Native Vote hosts Milwaukee mural unveiling to encourage healing and get out the vote
What I’d Like To Tell The Next Mayor

What I’d Like To Tell The Next Mayor

Citizens from 10 different areas sound off.

Helping Youths Learn Their Tribal History

Helping Youths Learn Their Tribal History

Ignace Indian Health Center’s program teaches young people about their tribal culture and history.