Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Biggest Taxer in Town
Murphy’s Law

Biggest Taxer in Town

Over the last five years property taxes have been driven by just one of the five local taxing units: Milwaukee Public Schools.

Murphy’s Law: Robin Hood in Reverse
Murphy’s Law

Robin Hood in Reverse

Republicans’ tax plan assures that Wisconsin follows other states in the race to the bottom.

Murphy’s Law: Why We Need a Part-Time County Board
Murphy’s Law

Why We Need a Part-Time County Board

For 125 years, the board was part-time. Then Tom Ament and company nudged it up to full-time. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Rising Wealth Gap
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Rising Wealth Gap

In the last decade all $4.8 billion in income gains went to the wealthiest 20 percent. All boats aren’t rising.

Murphy’s Law: Going Easy on Drunk Drivers?
Murphy’s Law

Going Easy on Drunk Drivers?

Journal Sentinel wouldn’t report a CEO’s drunk driving, but did. Who’s right?

Murphy’s Law: Still Defending the Infamous Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

Still Defending the Infamous Pension Plan

County Exec Abele wants to cut back the lucrative backdrop provision. Why are supervisors delaying this?

Murphy’s Law: Women Need Not Apply
Murphy’s Law

Women Need Not Apply

Led by MGIC, seven of Wisconsin’s top companies are men’s clubs, with no women in the executive suite.

Murphy’s Law: The Curious Case of Stephen Einhorn
Murphy’s Law

The Curious Case of Stephen Einhorn

The man who “feared” for his family’s privacy is a political activist and capital insider grabbing government funding for his company.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?

Voters would probably oppose it, so GOP needs to pass the legislation very, very quietly.

Murphy’s Law: Land of Corporate Blackmail
Murphy’s Law

Land of Corporate Blackmail

A bombshell story shows Wisconsin is a national leader in tax handouts to business.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor Backs Flynn, Slams Newspaper
Murphy’s Law

Mayor Backs Flynn, Slams Newspaper

Journal Sentinel’s series on data errors “takes crime fighting officers off the street,” Barrett charges.

Murphy’s Law: How State Aid to Cities Has Plummeted
Murphy’s Law

How State Aid to Cities Has Plummeted

Milwaukee is getting killed by declining shared revenue, violating a century-old state agreement.