
PODCAST: Holiday Tales, pt. 2: Blitzen the talking reindeer

Holiday Tales, pt. 2: Blitzen the talking reindeer

One season, many voices. This week, Sunset Playhouse Managing Director Jonathan West tells the story of how he found creative salvation in a talking reindeer.

PODCAST: Improv is for everybody

Improv is for everybody

Two high school students find their creative salvation on the stage and struggle to be taken seriously - as teenagers and in the world of high art theatre.

PODCAST: Survivor Stories, pt.4

Survivor Stories, pt.4

There are many medical treatments for breast cancer, but where can women go to heal the emotional trauma of the disease? The answer is as simple as ABCD.

PODCAST: Survivor Stories, pt.3

Survivor Stories, pt.3

Cancer diagnosis alone is devastating. For some women, the "M" word - Mastectomy - is just as terrifying. Or, in Regina Aringer's case, oddly liberating.

PODCAST: Survivor Stories, pt. 2

Survivor Stories, pt. 2

A new test can sometimes tell women with a family history of breast cancer if they're predisposed to the disease. If you had the gene, would you want to know?

PODCAST: Survivor Stories

Survivor Stories

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Backstage begins a new series talking to Milwaukee women in various stages of their own battles with breast cancer.

PODCAST: The Watchman cometh

The Watchman cometh

Real-life superheroes -- are they asking for trouble, or empowering communities? Backstage talks to The Watchman about why he got involved in the movement.

PODCAST: Bring on the shorts!

Bring on the shorts!

Short films, that is. MFF'10 offers up seven shorts programs, chock full of wacky characters and animated hilarity you just won't find anywhere else.

PODCAST: Curtain Up

Curtain Up

Tragedy, romance, action, comedy and visually stunning documentary film - it's all part of the Milwaukee Film Festival, and it all begins tonight!


Take One

Mark and Milwaukee Film intern Jessica Farrell offer their picks for Take One and discuss how every detail counts when creating a successful film festival.

PODCAST: The backbone of the festival

The backbone of the festival

The staff at Milwaukee Film put a lot of hard work into the film festival, but it simply wouldn't run without the aid of dedicated volunteers.

PODCAST: Revving up for the Milwaukee Film Festival

Revving up for the Milwaukee Film Festival

The second annual Milwaukee Film Festival is just around the corner. In the weeks leading up to the Fest, Mark talks with the people who make it happen.