Wisconsin Public Radio

Election Conspiracy Promoter Hosting Trump Via Livestream

Election Conspiracy Promoter Hosting Trump Via Livestream

The former president will speak virtually at Wisconsin event on Saturday.

GOP Elections Commissioners Argue for Voter Roll Purge

GOP Elections Commissioners Argue for Voter Roll Purge

A State Supreme Court decision said it's not the state's responsibility to remove names.

GOP Lawmakers Cut Evers’ Public Land Funding

GOP Lawmakers Cut Evers’ Public Land Funding

Stewardship program funds the purchase of land for public use, recreation.

State Treasurer Launches Homeownership Initiative

State Treasurer Launches Homeownership Initiative

Program involves a network of public and private entities to support sustainable home-ownership.

GOP Lawmakers End Weekly Unemployment Boost

GOP Lawmakers End Weekly Unemployment Boost

State legislature votes to end $300 federal supplement. Governor Evers could veto.

GOP Legislators Approve $1.5 Billion Construction Budget

GOP Legislators Approve $1.5 Billion Construction Budget

$1 billion less than Evers budget for state, UW System projects.

Vaccine Tamperer Gets Three Year Sentence

Vaccine Tamperer Gets Three Year Sentence

Grafton pharmacist Steven Brandenburg tried to destroy 570 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

Legislator Compares Children’s Museum to Nazis

Legislator Compares Children’s Museum to Nazis

Republican attacks Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum's mask policy, citing the Gestapo.

Millennials Report Addresses City’s Brain Drain

Millennials Report Addresses City’s Brain Drain

Report makes recommendations to stem the steady annual loss of young professionals.

Evers Announces Reelection Bid

Evers Announces Reelection Bid

Speech at state Democratic convention touts education spending and new Foxconn contract.

Severe Drought Hits Southeast Wisconsin

Severe Drought Hits Southeast Wisconsin

Precipitation as much as 7 inches below normal.

UW Regents Elect First Native American President

UW Regents Elect First Native American President

Edmund Manydeeds is new president of UW System Board of Regents.