Wisconsin Public Radio

UW-System Competed With Feds for COVID-19 Tests

UW-System Competed With Feds for COVID-19 Tests

Thompson said federal government tried to take their order of testing machines.

Will Restaurants Survive the Winter?

Will Restaurants Survive the Winter?

Outdoor dining has been a lifeline during the pandemic.

Utility Shut Off Moratorium Extended

Utility Shut Off Moratorium Extended

Wisconsin residents have until Oct. 1 before disconnections start.

Homeless Shelters, Advocates Expect Wave of Evictions

Homeless Shelters, Advocates Expect Wave of Evictions

COVID-19 is complicating their response to people losing housing.

Pence Hypes Economy, COVID-19 Response

Pence Hypes Economy, COVID-19 Response

The vice president campaigned for Trump in Darien Wednesday.

Perez, DNC Support Wisconsin Lawsuit

Perez, DNC Support Wisconsin Lawsuit

Will federal court allow more time to request absentee votes and count all ballots postmarked by Nov. 3?

State Politicians Squabble On Postal Service

State Politicians Squabble On Postal Service

As USPS backtracks on changes, Kaul part of multi-state suit, Democrats and Republicans argue.

Eric Trump Comes to Town

Eric Trump Comes to Town

Speaks to MPD members about defunding police. ‘Guys, it’s fundamentally crazy.'

Record July Home Sales in Wisconsin

Record July Home Sales in Wisconsin

9,649 sales last month, topping record of 8,969 set in July 2019.

Trump Touts Economy in Oshkosh

Trump Touts Economy in Oshkosh

Speech in Wisconsin for about a thousand people spread out and mostly wearing masks.

Challenge To Green Party On State Ballot

Challenge To Green Party On State Ballot

Wrong address on nomination papers could disqualify party, which Democrats believe helped elect Trump, from presidential ballot.

Virtual DNC Dims City’s Moment in the Sun

Virtual DNC Dims City’s Moment in the Sun

Lost chance to show Milwaukee can compete with the bigger cities.