Wisconsin Examiner

Opioid Settlement Could Aid County

Opioid Settlement Could Aid County

Milwaukee suit seeks settlement to repay county’s costs from opioid crisis, can cite Purdue Pharma case.

Lame Duck Laws Opposed Overwhelmingly

Lame Duck Laws Opposed Overwhelmingly

Records show Legislature fielded nearly 48,000 contacts from people and 98% opposed lame duck laws.

State Targets Payroll Tax Fraud

State Targets Payroll Tax Fraud

50 investigations by Department of Revenue of companies suspected of cheating workers on pay.

Fun and Politics at LaborFest

Fun and Politics at LaborFest

Labor unions, socialists, fun seekers at annual Labor Day festival.

Working for Clean Energy a Tricky Task

Working for Clean Energy a Tricky Task

Polls show bipartisan support, but how you talk about it matters.

Wis. Republicans Once Backed Gun Control

Wis. Republicans Once Backed Gun Control

Backing Brady Bill in 1993. Will any now support the background checks bill?

Inside State’s First 24/7 Opioid Treatment Center

Inside State’s First 24/7 Opioid Treatment Center

Community Medical Services in West Allis saves lives, confronts stigma.

State Has Bad Roads, Low Fatalities

State Has Bad Roads, Low Fatalities

Latest rankings show mixed results, but increased state funding could help.

About Those UW Free Speech Violations

About Those UW Free Speech Violations

Not one violation on 26 campuses of UW Regents’ policy. But legislators want to pass tough law.

Op Ed: No Nation Built on Hate Can Be Great
Op Ed

No Nation Built on Hate Can Be Great

New state group, We Are Many, seeks to change hearts and minds.

State Treasurer Backs Climate-Friendly Investing

State Treasurer Backs Climate-Friendly Investing

“We believe in science” and “investment in renewable energy," Godlewski declares.

Evers, Moore Target Prescription Drugs

Evers, Moore Target Prescription Drugs

Skyrocketing costs at issue.“Like taking on the NRA,” says a consumer activist.