
Op Ed: Restore the Elections Commission Staff
Op Ed

Restore the Elections Commission Staff

GOP legislators supported this until Walker veto cut staff. Our bill restores electoral security.

Op Ed: Millennial Caucus Looks to the Future
Op Ed

Millennial Caucus Looks to the Future

Wisconsin Future Caucus is bipartisan group of state legislators under the age of 40.

Op Ed: UW System Reorganization a Bold Plan
Op Ed

UW System Reorganization a Bold Plan

What’s good and what could be improved in UW President Ray Cross’s proposal.

Op Ed: Nygren, Sidener Dramatize Opioid Problem
Op Ed

Nygren, Sidener Dramatize Opioid Problem

Daughter of GOP legislator and former Democratic leader’s problems call for state response.

Op Ed: State Cuts 15% of Sign Language Interpreters
Op Ed

State Cuts 15% of Sign Language Interpreters

System needs reform. Proposed law is badly needed.

Op Ed: 5 Ways to Reduce Gun Deaths
Op Ed

5 Ways to Reduce Gun Deaths

It’s not about mass shootings, but about stopping the quieter deaths that happen daily.

Op Ed: What Happened to Wisconsin?
Op Ed

What Happened to Wisconsin?

Decades of bipartisan commitment to protecting environment have been abandoned. Why?

Op Ed: UW-Madison Expands Access for State Students
Op Ed

UW-Madison Expands Access for State Students

Higher percentage accepted, more funding for gifted but needy students.

Op Ed: Schimel and Pruitt, the Anti-Environmentalists
Op Ed

Schimel and Pruitt, the Anti-Environmentalists

State attorney general and federal EPA head never met a green policy they liked.

Op Ed: De-Licensing Bill Could Have Huge Impact
Op Ed

De-Licensing Bill Could Have Huge Impact

State requirements for nurses, plumbers, CPAs and other jobs could be scrapped.

Op Ed: Will Governor Candidates Duck Big Issues?
Op Ed

Will Governor Candidates Duck Big Issues?

Health care reform and UW reorganization are big issues Walker and his opponent may punt.

Op Ed: Milwaukee Magazine’s Racial Insensitivity?
Op Ed

Milwaukee Magazine’s Racial Insensitivity?

Their fashion shoot uses black man in prison garb for atmospheric “local color.”