
Op-Ed: Public Safety Plan Ignores the Community

Public Safety Plan Ignores the Community

Aldermen should work harder to consult residents and target underlying causes of crime.

Op-Ed: Can Republicans Recover From Trump?

Can Republicans Recover From Trump?

Party needs a new brand, new policies, more pragmatism.

Op-Ed: Walker’s Lead Poisoned Politics

Walker’s Lead Poisoned Politics

Lead paint manufacturer gives illegal donation; Walker protects companies from legal action.

Op-Ed: Wisconsin Open for Bribery

Wisconsin Open for Bribery

State Ethics Commission allows GOP legislator to create his own PAC, ignoring “bright line” in the law.

Op-Ed: Health Costs And Rise of Trump, Sanders

Health Costs And Rise of Trump, Sanders

The costs fueled a revolt, and are still rising under Obamacare. Is there a better way?

Op-Ed: Concealed Carry Hasn’t Prevented Crime

Concealed Carry Hasn’t Prevented Crime

Aggravated assault with guns has risen 43% since concealed carry legalized.

Op-Ed: Dreaming About Frank Lloyd Wright

Dreaming About Frank Lloyd Wright

Touring his homes built for average people provides lessons for today.

Op-Ed: Supreme Court Decision a Gift to Walker

Supreme Court Decision a Gift to Walker

Decision not to hear John Doe case a blow to democracy and legal precedent.

Op-Ed: Caring for our Most Vulnerable

Caring for our Most Vulnerable

Shouldn’t the care and safety of Wisconsin children and veterans be a top priority?

Op-Ed: Our Financial Watchdog

Our Financial Watchdog

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined Wells Fargo $100 million for illegal practices.

Op-Ed: Agenda Items for Walker’s Second Act

Agenda Items for Walker’s Second Act

Gov. Walker needs to focus on policy, including job creation in Milwaukee, not politics.

Op-Ed: Solve Real Problems

Solve Real Problems

Why is Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald still defending the state’s voter ID law?