
Op-Ed: Our Financial Watchdog

Our Financial Watchdog

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined Wells Fargo $100 million for illegal practices.

Op-Ed: Agenda Items for Walker’s Second Act

Agenda Items for Walker’s Second Act

Gov. Walker needs to focus on policy, including job creation in Milwaukee, not politics.

Op-Ed: Solve Real Problems

Solve Real Problems

Why is Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald still defending the state’s voter ID law?

Op-Ed: Creator of Controversial Mural Responds to Critics

Creator of Controversial Mural Responds to Critics

Critics call mural “dehumanizing.”

Op-Ed: Two New Knees for Just $39,000

Two New Knees for Just $39,000

Value healthcare approach saves thousands of dollars for both employee and company.

Op-Ed: Gov. Walker Needs a Second Act

Gov. Walker Needs a Second Act

Progress has been made, but big initiatives are needed to secure Wisconsin’s prosperity.

Op-Ed: Should Transit Have Dedicated Lanes?

Should Transit Have Dedicated Lanes?

Dedicated lanes for transit would improve speed and efficiency, but reduce auto lanes or parking.

Op-Ed: Why Schools Are Abandoning Zero Tolerance

Why Schools Are Abandoning Zero Tolerance

Even the theory’s biggest promoter has. But what is the alternative?

Op-Ed: Will Some County Parks Be Closed?

Will Some County Parks Be Closed?

Survey from Abele administration offers this as possible solution. But why?

Op-Ed: Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Trump supporter warns of taco trucks on every corner; Latino leaders mobilize voters.

Op-Ed: The New Bidding War for Teachers

The New Bidding War for Teachers

Act 10 has opened door to bidding war and smaller, poorer districts losing out.

Op-Ed: Ronald Reagan Wasn’t a Ponzi Schemer

Ronald Reagan Wasn’t a Ponzi Schemer

And Social Security isn’t a scam. Why Reagan supported and improved Social Security.