Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Voter Fraud Issue Gets Its Day in Court
Murphy’s Law

Voter Fraud Issue Gets Its Day in Court

The federal court gave the state a chance to show voter fraud was rampant. So what did they prove?

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker’s Health Care Dilemma
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker’s Health Care Dilemma

His rejection of federal Medicaid dollars either costs Wisconsin lots of money or lots of lives.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Key Issues in NBA Arena Debate
Murphy’s Law

10 Key Issues in NBA Arena Debate

Will the new owners get tax support? It all depends on these ten issues.

Murphy’s Law: Let Them Take Taxis…or Uber or Lyft
Murphy’s Law

Let Them Take Taxis…or Uber or Lyft

City may lift cap on cabs and embrace upstart ride sharing services. There will be rides for everyone!

Murphy’s Law: Why Moderates Are Extinct
Murphy’s Law

Why Moderates Are Extinct

The retirement of Petri, Ellis and Cullen suggests neither party has room for moderates.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Milwaukee Art Museum Changed Its Design
Murphy’s Law

Why the Milwaukee Art Museum Changed Its Design

Museum staff wanted more gallery space, even if it meant ruining Jim Shields design for the new addition.

Murphy’s Law: The Extraordinary Fiscal Liberalism of David Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Extraordinary Fiscal Liberalism of David Clarke

It’s difficult to find anyone who increases his budget faster than Sheriff Clarke.

Murphy’s Law: Top Architect Quit Project for Museum Addition
Murphy’s Law

Top Architect Quit Project for Museum Addition

Architect Jim Shields had falling out with Milwaukee Art Museum; new addition was designed by committee, not Shields.

Murphy’s Law: Will Waukesha Be Less Hostile to Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Will Waukesha Be Less Hostile to Milwaukee?

Defeat of Mayor Jeff Scrima could mean better relations between the two cities.

Murphy’s Law: Why UWM Matters
Murphy’s Law

Why UWM Matters

It could be the key to transforming Wisconsin’s economy, but state leaders don’t seem to realize it.

Murphy’s Law: New Study Shows Milwaukee’s Income Inequality
Murphy’s Law

New Study Shows Milwaukee’s Income Inequality

Research shows huge and probably growing gap between high and low incomes in Milwaukee County.

Murphy’s Law: Dan Bice’s Role in the John Doe
Murphy’s Law

Dan Bice’s Role in the John Doe

What did he know, when did he know it, and how has he affected the probe of Scott Walker?