Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: How David Crowley Led on Sales Tax
Murphy’s Law

How David Crowley Led on Sales Tax

The inside story of how the county exec and mayor helped pass state legislation to save Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Do We Really Need Ravine Road?
Murphy’s Law

Do We Really Need Ravine Road?

And did Olmsted really want cars motoring through Lake Park?

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Life of Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Life of Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro

Wisconsin native charged as co-conspirator for role in devising fake elector scheme.

Murphy’s Law: Park East Removal Didn’t ‘Devastate’ Downtown
Murphy’s Law

Park East Removal Didn’t ‘Devastate’ Downtown

Controversy over its removal offers lessons to those opposing plan to take down I-794 link.

Murphy’s Law: Hate Toward Black People Rising?
Murphy’s Law

Hate Toward Black People Rising?

Recent incidents in Wisconsin raise troubling questions.

Murphy’s Law: Time for County Board to Guts Up
Murphy’s Law

Time for County Board to Guts Up

If they don’t approve sales tax hike, county will face fiscal disaster and voters will blame them.

Murphy’s Law: Starbucks and the American Dream
Murphy’s Law

Starbucks and the American Dream

The battle over unions in Milwaukee and U.S. shows the uncool side of coffee culture.

Murphy’s Law: Gov. Evers Keeps Rising in Stature
Murphy’s Law

Gov. Evers Keeps Rising in Stature

Becoming a national figure with ever more effective leadership. Just ask the Republicans.

Murphy’s Law: State’s Technical Colleges Have Financial Clout
Murphy’s Law

State’s Technical Colleges Have Financial Clout

They’re much better funded than the UW System. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Matt Rothschild
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Matt Rothschild

Leader of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and former editor-publisher of Progressive Magazine is retiring.

Murphy’s Law: Don Smiley’s Latest Paycheck Was $991,154
Murphy’s Law

Don Smiley’s Latest Paycheck Was $991,154

Summerfest boss has collected $6.56 million in five years for running tax exempt charity.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee and the Stolen Picasso
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee and the Stolen Picasso

Tale from 1969 puts a city with few Picasso paintings at center of an international mystery.