Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?
Murphy’s Law

Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?

Cap Times story on nursing home shows funding was diverted while care declined.

Murphy’s Law: Errors Embarrass Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

Errors Embarrass Journal Sentinel

Washington Post finds problems in James Causey’s work, which JS editors try to hide.

Murphy’s Law: Sylville Smith Probe Looks Suspicious
Murphy’s Law

Sylville Smith Probe Looks Suspicious

AG Brad Schimel’s links to Milwaukee Police raise questions about his investigation.

Murphy’s Law: The Battle Over Charter Schools
Murphy’s Law

The Battle Over Charter Schools

NAACP declares opposition and is criticized by charter supporters like Howard Fuller.

Murphy’s Law: Where Are Top CEOs on City’s Unrest?
Murphy’s Law

Where Are Top CEOs on City’s Unrest?

The silence is deafening. But Mayor Barrett says they want to help.

Murphy’s Law: Role Of Police Questioned in Unrest
Murphy’s Law

Role Of Police Questioned in Unrest

Was violence a reaction to years of mistreatment by police?

Murphy’s Law: 19 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

19 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, behind the scenes. who won, who lost?

Murphy’s Law: Can Chisholm Be Beaten?
Murphy’s Law

Can Chisholm Be Beaten?

The DA pleads for help as dark money from outside the county blasts him.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court

From a state with countless judges, he picks a crackpot lawyer named Daniel Kelly.

Murphy’s Law: The King of Subprime Lending
Murphy’s Law

The King of Subprime Lending

How Bucks owner Wes Edens makes millions off troubled homeowners.

Murphy’s Law: Why Rocky Marcoux Is In Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Why Rocky Marcoux Is In Trouble

New Common Council leaders want to ax the DCD leader. But why? Few will say.

Murphy’s Law: Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos
Murphy’s Law

Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos

But efforts by their shadowy Libre Initiative may be undercut by Trump.