Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: 21 Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

21 Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, what was the election about, who were the other winners and losers?

Murphy’s Law: Trump Campaign Sues State TV Station
Murphy’s Law

Trump Campaign Sues State TV Station

Claims ad, with excerpts of Trump speaking, used technology to create false statement.

Murphy’s Law: Lena Taylor’s Aide Suspended by WNOV
Murphy’s Law

Lena Taylor’s Aide Suspended by WNOV

Michele Bryant accuses station’s owner of selling out to Mayor Barrett.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Hypocrisy on Election
Murphy’s Law

Republican Hypocrisy on Election

Why wouldn’t Vos, Fitzgerald postpone the election? Because they were safer.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Risk Public Health With Election
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Risk Public Health With Election

Refusal of Vos and Fitzgerald to postpone election could cause more disease, deaths.

Murphy’s Law: Will Trump Help State Get Medical Supplies?
Murphy’s Law

Will Trump Help State Get Medical Supplies?

Still won’t use Defense Production Act to ramp up production. Baldwin pushes for action.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Behind on Social Distancing?
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Behind on Social Distancing?

Many states doing better, data suggests. Milwaukee County looks behind, too.

Murphy’s Law: Will Legislature Delay Election?
Murphy’s Law

Will Legislature Delay Election?

Life-and-death issue poses the most danger for Milwaukee. Only the Legislature can act.

Murphy’s Law: Baldwin Plan Needed for Pandemic
Murphy’s Law

Baldwin Plan Needed for Pandemic

Using Defense Production Act could save lives, but Trump won’t act.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Now the Reddest State?
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Now the Reddest State?

No state in America has been more opposed to federal coronavirus relief package.

Urban MKE Flashback: Was Act 10 Necessary?
Urban MKE Flashback

Was Act 10 Necessary?

Nine years ago today Act 10 was signed by Gov. Walker. This classic column exploded the myths about the union-crushing law.

Murphy’s Law: Aurora Health Care Merger is Bad News
Murphy’s Law

Aurora Health Care Merger is Bad News

Expect skyrocketing costs, poorer care, and bigger salaries for fat cat executives.