City Hall

City Hall: FLAC, Get the Lead Out Fight City Over Lead Posioning
City Hall

FLAC, Get the Lead Out Fight City Over Lead Posioning

Groups have a showdown with city officials over claims surrounding city's failure on lead poisoning, infant mortality.

City Hall: Who Gets Design Oversight?
City Hall

Who Gets Design Oversight?

Bauman wants council control over overlay zones, while DCD, local developers object.

City Hall: To Host DNC, Barrett Must Be Reelected
City Hall

To Host DNC, Barrett Must Be Reelected

He's clearly running, but still hasn't officially announced a race he badly wants to win.

City Hall: Barrett Vetoes Food Truck Ban
City Hall

Barrett Vetoes Food Truck Ban

"We should support the opportunities and great flavors they bring to Milwaukee."

City Hall: City Approves DNC Contract
City Hall

City Approves DNC Contract

City expects $50 million from federal government to pay for security.

City Hall: 12 Rules For City in DNC Convention Contract
City Hall

12 Rules For City in DNC Convention Contract

Democrats want lots of insurance, safes, security, live streaming and more.

City Hall: Barrett Offers Upbeat State of City Speech
City Hall

Barrett Offers Upbeat State of City Speech

Mayor touts employers coming to city, The Hop's launch and a friendly governor.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Any City Progress on Affordable Housing?
Eyes on Milwaukee

Any City Progress on Affordable Housing?

Has Barrett's 10,000 homes initiative had an impact? Council members give mixed grades

City Hall: Donovan Won’t Run for Re-Election
City Hall

Donovan Won’t Run for Re-Election

Fightin' Bob is walking away. Zamarripa and Bielinski likely to run for council seat.

City Hall: Who Will (Finally) Clear The Snow?
City Hall

Who Will (Finally) Clear The Snow?

"Why did you stop sending out front-end loaders to finish the job?" irate alderman asks.

City Hall: Retired Drivers to Join Plowing Crew
City Hall

Retired Drivers to Join Plowing Crew

Bauman's proposal gets endorsed by Department of Public Works, but may take a year.

City Hall: Aldermen Blast City’s Snowplowing
City Hall

Aldermen Blast City’s Snowplowing

Just how bad is city's operation? Aldermen allege lies and mismanagement.