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Back in the News: More Journal Sentinel Buyouts
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More Journal Sentinel Buyouts

At least a dozen more journalists are being let go. And insiders expect some editors will be added to list.

Back in the News: Potawatomi Plays Hardball
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Potawatomi Plays Hardball

Gov. Walker delayed decision on Kenosha casino, so tribe is delaying $25 million payment owed to state.

News From Elsewhere: Is Milwaukee One of the World’s Greenest Cities?
News From Elsewhere

Is Milwaukee One of the World’s Greenest Cities?

So says OnEarth magazine. Is it right?

Back in the News: Clarke Blasts Abele, Bloomberg
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Clarke Blasts Abele, Bloomberg

His rock was talk radio, he writes in Washington Times.

Back in the News: Why Steve Smith Sold the Journal Sentinel
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Why Steve Smith Sold the Journal Sentinel

Did debt -- and Smith’s broadcast purchases -- force sale of newspaper?

Back In The News: Media Thrilled, Donovan Will Run for Mayor!
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Media Thrilled, Donovan Will Run for Mayor!

Colorful, combative foe of Mayor Barrett will oppose him in 2016, which means far more fun for reporters covering the race.

Back in the News: “Controversy” Over Swing Park?
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“Controversy” Over Swing Park?

Architect blasts city for altering her design. Are her complaints valid?

Back in the News: Will Uber Bring Cheaper Rides?
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Will Uber Bring Cheaper Rides?

As ride sharing service slashes rates, Milwaukee Common Council mulls changes in rules.

Back in the News: National Media Crucify Walker
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National Media Crucify Walker

Even the conservative press jump all over the charge that Gov. Walker was at center of a criminal conspiracy.

Back in the News: JS Critic Likes New Art Museum Addition
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JS Critic Likes New Art Museum Addition

Schumacher gives it thumbs up but big issues remain.

Back in the News: Art Museum Drops Design, Re-Hires Shields
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Art Museum Drops Design, Re-Hires Shields

In a remarkable turnabout, the Milwaukee Art Museum scraps its controversial design and brings back the city's leading museum architect.

Back in the News: Newspaper Critic Says Don’t Build Art Museum Addition
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Newspaper Critic Says Don’t Build Art Museum Addition

Schumacher, Journal Sentinel critic, calls Milwaukee Art Museum’s design a “dose of dullness.”