
Walker Budget Continues Dive to the Bottom on Job Protections
County Executive Chris Abele Introduces Resolution Denouncing Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

County Executive Chris Abele Introduces Resolution Denouncing Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Reaffirms Milwaukee County’s Support of the ACA, Rejects American Health Care Act

Sober Housing Legislation Helps Address Addiction Epidemic

Sober Housing Legislation Helps Address Addiction Epidemic

Rep. Sargent introduces bill to support and expand access to sober living residences in Wisconsin

Baldwin, Murray, Gillibrand Introduce Legislation to Increase Availability of Preventive, Life-Saving Cancer Screenings for Women

Baldwin, Murray, Gillibrand Introduce Legislation to Increase Availability of Preventive, Life-Saving Cancer Screenings for Women

Breast, ovarian, cervical cancer deaths occur disproportionately among women who lack adequate preventive services

New Marquette Law School Poll finds Trump approval rating at 41 percent in Wisconsin

New Marquette Law School Poll finds Trump approval rating at 41 percent in Wisconsin

Voters react to health care changes, Russia, immigration, state issues

Milwaukee Stands with Planned Parenthood

Milwaukee Stands with Planned Parenthood

The gathering comes the day before the U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act and block Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid reimbursements.

Congressman Sensenbrenner Statement at Markup of the Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act
Larson, Stuck, and Brostoff Announce Reintroduction of Save Our Water Act

Larson, Stuck, and Brostoff Announce Reintroduction of Save Our Water Act

Democratic legislators reintroduce anti-privatization bill and announce Save Our Water Tour

Baldwin, Capito Champion Bipartisan Reform to Improve Palliative and Hospice Care

Baldwin, Capito Champion Bipartisan Reform to Improve Palliative and Hospice Care

Bipartisan legislation boosts the health care workforce to help Americans with life-threatening illnesses

Rep. Glenn Grothman Fights to Make Trumpcare Worse and Stifle Wisconsin’s Economy in the Process

Rep. Glenn Grothman Fights to Make Trumpcare Worse and Stifle Wisconsin’s Economy in the Process

Grothman has introduced an amendment to unfairly kick 26-year-olds off their parent's health care insurance.

Citizen Action Research Shows Massive Increase in Health Premiums in Wisconsin Cities under House GOP Replacement Bill

Citizen Action Research Shows Massive Increase in Health Premiums in Wisconsin Cities under House GOP Replacement Bill

In Milwaukee raises health insurance premiums by $9,908 per year for moderate income older adults

Affordable Care Act Repeal would have Devastating Consequences in Wisconsin

Affordable Care Act Repeal would have Devastating Consequences in Wisconsin

"According to the Congressional Budget Office, 24 million Americans will lose their health insurance"