
Murphy’s Law: How Three Legislators Committed Highway Robbery
Murphy’s Law

How Three Legislators Committed Highway Robbery

Anyone who's driven to Madison is aware the trip takes about 75 miles from downtown Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Should Wisconsin Get Ready for War?
Murphy’s Law

Should Wisconsin Get Ready for War?

You may feel very safe and protected, living in cozy Wisconsin, far from America's seacoasts.

Murphy’s Law: Five Budget Items the Media Has Missed
Murphy’s Law

Five Budget Items the Media Has Missed

By now, everybody knows what's in the budget right?

Murphy’s Law: How Democrats Are Growing the Economy
Murphy’s Law

How Democrats Are Growing the Economy

The recent state budget debate provided insights and displayed the dramatic differences between the parties as to how we answer questions about our state's economic future and how we compete for the high-paying jobs of the 21st Century.

Murphy’s Law: Figueroa Accused Another Man of Sex Harassment
Murphy’s Law

Figueroa Accused Another Man of Sex Harassment

For months I've been hearing rumblings that Marilyn Figueroa had accused another man of sexual harassment.

Murphy’s Law: Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys
Murphy’s Law

Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys

It was a mere three years ago that the Midwest Express Center opened, as a state-of-the-art solution to the city's convention needs.

Murphy’s Law: Is the State Legislature Still a Men’s Club?
Murphy’s Law

Is the State Legislature Still a Men’s Club?

It was the gunfight at the Capitol corral and only men were invited.

Murphy’s Law: Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral
Murphy’s Law

Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral

News reports have made much of the money raised by Ald. Marvin Pratt and Ald. Tom Nardelli, speculating about their chances for mayor.

Murphy’s Law: Why The Mayor is Not Dead
Murphy’s Law

Why The Mayor is Not Dead

Back in the early 1980s, Milwaukee Magazine ran a scathing caricature of Mayor Henry Maier with the title "What Does This Man Do All Day?"

Murphy’s Law: Why the State Doesn’t Hate Tom Ament Any More
Murphy’s Law

Why the State Doesn’t Hate Tom Ament Any More

Time was when Milwaukee County was a favorite whipping boy of the state.

Murphy’s Law: How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes

Everybody knows the Milwaukee Bucks are losing money.

Murphy’s Law: Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?
Murphy’s Law

Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?

Some months ago the state Department of Transportation announced a plan for rebuilding the mammoth Marquette Interchange that did not include any exits or entrances at Plankinton Avenue