Retiring With Guns Blazing
Several politicians have announced retirement, some diplomatically, others firing shots at their opponents.
Oct 21st, 2013 by Steven WaltersWhy Walker’s Job Strategy Has Failed
He’s followed a much-touted strategy used by successful companies. Why hasn’t it worked?
Oct 17th, 2013 by Bruce ThompsonNew Moves to Bail Out the Bucks
Bradley Center and business leaders search for a clever way to subsidize the NBA team.
Oct 15th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyHow to Nab Bad Guys
ShotSpotter has become a key tool for city police, but Walker says no to funding and Abele says yes.
Oct 10th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyThe Mayor’s Plan for Foreclosures
$11.6 million plan hopes to turn abandoned houses over to stable homeowners.
Oct 4th, 2013 by Scottie Lee Meyers, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceDavid Clarke the False Conservative
Sheriff Clarke claims the right to spend as much as he wants, while the media ignores this and simply reports on his rants.
Oct 3rd, 2013 by Bruce MurphyFew Milwaukeeans Sign Up for Obamacare
Super-high volume on federal web site makes it difficult to enroll.
Oct 3rd, 2013 by Andrea Waxman, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceWalker Faces Tough Choice on Kenosha Casino
Any decision he makes will anger some, and could affect his potential run for president.
Sep 23rd, 2013 by Steven WaltersWisconsin, Land of the Plutocrats
Forbes 400 list offers more evidence of wealth gap in Wisconsin.
Sep 19th, 2013 by Bruce MurphySoutheast Wisconsin Rules the Capitol
Almost every Republican -- and Democratic -- leader is from a small part of the state.
Sep 16th, 2013 by Steven WaltersNo Compromise is Possible
State Sen Tim Cullen retires, saying the Capitol is run by the moneyed and powerful.
Sep 9th, 2013 by Steven WaltersThe Media’s Declining Clout
As newspaper readership declines, government officials increasingly ignore stories that once would have embarrassed them.
Sep 6th, 2013 by Bruce Murphy