
Murphy’s Law: The Extraordinary Fiscal Liberalism of David Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Extraordinary Fiscal Liberalism of David Clarke

It’s difficult to find anyone who increases his budget faster than Sheriff Clarke.

Streetsblog: More Transit Funding Needed, Fitch Ratings Warns

More Transit Funding Needed, Fitch Ratings Warns

Economy could suffer if governments don't recognize decline in driving and other trends that favor transit.

Big Money Backfires in Local Elections

Big Money Backfires in Local Elections

Attempts by Koch Brothers and other outsiders to outspend locals and elect friendly parties doesn't work.

The State of Politics: Why the Huge Support for Shot Spotters?
The State of Politics

Why the Huge Support for Shot Spotters?

Legislature votes 132-1 to expand Milwaukee program monitoring gunshots.

Murphy’s Law: Will Waukesha Be Less Hostile to Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Will Waukesha Be Less Hostile to Milwaukee?

Defeat of Mayor Jeff Scrima could mean better relations between the two cities.

The Lobbyist Law Nobody Likes

The Lobbyist Law Nobody Likes

Except the WMC business lobby and Realtors Association, who are glad Walker signed it.

The State of Politics: Nine Bills That Got Killed
The State of Politics

Nine Bills That Got Killed

Why the legislature failed to pass laws on nine hot issues.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Historic Preservation Goes Crazy
Eyes on Milwaukee

Historic Preservation Goes Crazy

Bigger state tax credits have tripled applications for historic preservation projects, which is great news for Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Dan Bice’s Role in the John Doe
Murphy’s Law

Dan Bice’s Role in the John Doe

What did he know, when did he know it, and how has he affected the probe of Scott Walker?

The State of Politics: Legislature is One Big High School
The State of Politics

Legislature is One Big High School

Once you understand that, you realize why Republicans tolerated Assembly Majority Leader Bill Kramer.

Murphy’s Law: The New Paul Ryan
Murphy’s Law

The New Paul Ryan

In his efforts to separate himself from Mitt Romney, Ryan has provided some scary insights into his politics.

Murphy’s Law: Who Is Mary Burke?
Murphy’s Law

Who Is Mary Burke?

After meeting and interviewing her, I still find Burke something of an enigma.