
Murphy’s Law: The Curious Case of Stephen Einhorn
Murphy’s Law

The Curious Case of Stephen Einhorn

The man who “feared” for his family’s privacy is a political activist and capital insider grabbing government funding for his company.

Sullivan’s Travels

Sullivan’s Travels

Former Bucyrus CEO Tim Sullivan isn't a registered lobbyist, but runs around promoting a mining bill while accepting a paid post with a mining company.

The Incredible Flip-Flop

The Incredible Flip-Flop

Did the Fire & Police Commission bend to mob mentality or act as a responsible policy maker?

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?

Voters would probably oppose it, so GOP needs to pass the legislation very, very quietly.

Murphy’s Law: Land of Corporate Blackmail
Murphy’s Law

Land of Corporate Blackmail

A bombshell story shows Wisconsin is a national leader in tax handouts to business.

Murphy’s Law: How State Aid to Cities Has Plummeted
Murphy’s Law

How State Aid to Cities Has Plummeted

Milwaukee is getting killed by declining shared revenue, violating a century-old state agreement.

Mining Bill Compromise?

Mining Bill Compromise?

State Sen. Dale Schultz expects this. But will his Republican party colleagues play along?

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Chris Larson
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Chris Larson

Is he a young liberal heavyweight? Or a punching bag for Republicans?

Education: The Impact of Charter Schools

The Impact of Charter Schools

The promise -- and problems -- of America’s most popular alternative to public schools can be seen in Milwaukee.

Where Are the Violations?

Where Are the Violations?

The Romney volunteers observed elections and found no fraud here. Mostly, they just looked intimidating.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Health Care Governor?
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Health Care Governor?

Even as Scott Walker throws people off health care, he opposes federal programs that would increase coverage and lower costs.

How Republicans Won the Legislature

How Republicans Won the Legislature

It was a Democratic wave, but redistricting helped the GOP win 74% of assembly seats with just 52% of the vote.