
Why We Trail America in Jobs Growth

Why We Trail America in Jobs Growth

In 21 of the last 23 months we have trailed the nation. Walker’s policies get much of the blame.

Seven Issues That Could Decide 2014 Election

Seven Issues That Could Decide 2014 Election

Wisconsin's choice for governor will depend on where voters stand on these issues.

Who Will Run Against Walker?

Who Will Run Against Walker?

The list of possible candidates isn't long, as discussions at the state Democratic convention made clear.

The GOP’s Young Guns

The GOP’s Young Guns

Some of the newest Assembly Republicans, including four accountants, dictated the final budget.

Murphy’s Law: Don’t Mess with the Press
Murphy’s Law

Don’t Mess with the Press

The state budget bill has huge consequences, but the media is most concerned about its impact on... the media.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Fast Tracks a Smelly Bill
Murphy’s Law

GOP Fast Tracks a Smelly Bill

The elections bill will suppress voting by average folks while giving corporations and lobbyists more clout.

Did Public TV Censor Koch Film?

Did Public TV Censor Koch Film?

After David Koch withdrew his offer to donate to public TV, a public TV group withdrew support for documentary film about him.

GOP Wants to Cut Back Taxpayer Donations

GOP Wants to Cut Back Taxpayer Donations

You may lose the chance to donate to causes like prostate cancer research or a fire fighters memorial if this measure is adopted.

Peter Barca for Governor?

Peter Barca for Governor?

Some Democratic insiders see Assembly minority leader Peter Barca as the best hope to run against Scott Walker.

Op-Ed: Why Dan Bice Should Resign

Why Dan Bice Should Resign

The Journal Sentinel columnist’s coverage of John Doe probe is a case study in journalistic malfeasance.

Murphy’s Law: Bail Bond Bill Will Create Debtor’s Prisons
Murphy’s Law

Bail Bond Bill Will Create Debtor’s Prisons

Why are Republicans pushing a bill opposed almost unanimously by criminal justice professionals?

Republicans Move to Kill Milwaukee Streetcar

Republicans Move to Kill Milwaukee Streetcar

If the streetcar is killed and federal money for it is lost, it will mean the total amount of federal transit money for Wisconsin rejected by Scott Walker will exceed $1 billion.