UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names
Provision slipped into budget allows universities to hide names of top candidates for key positions. No other state agencies enjoy this exemption.
Jul 2nd, 2015 by Bill LuedersWho’s To Blame for Bus Strike?
The union? Chris Abele? John Weishan? Scott Walker? A frank assessment.
Jul 2nd, 2015 by Bruce MurphyWisconsin’s Rotten Return on Federal Taxes Paid
New report shows we’re the fourth worst state in federal spending received. Walker’s policies don’t help.
Jul 1st, 2015 by Bruce MurphyWalker Aides Pushed for Loan, Now in Default
Records detail VIP treatment of Walker campaign donor William Minahan.
Jun 29th, 2015 by Steven WaltersWhy We Need Term Limits
Shirley Abrahamson has served 39 years. Fred Risser has served 60 years. Maybe that's too long.
Jun 25th, 2015 by John TorinusMake Your Voice Heard on Bucks Arena
Our simple, easy-to-use contact form lets you reach officials in Madison on the arena deal and frankly communicate your views.
Jun 22nd, 2015 by Jeramey JanneneWhy the GOP Gridlock Over Budget?
Republicans can’t agree on what to do about transportation and the Bucks arena. Expect some secret deals.
Jun 22nd, 2015 by Steven WaltersHome Care Workers Demand $15 Hour Pay
Care-givers working in state-funded program serving people with disabilities negotiate for better pay and benefits.
Jun 22nd, 2015 by Madeline Kennedy, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceWill Milwaukee Art Museum Buy O’Donnell Park?
Museum director Dan Keegan meets with county parks committee, but puts off decision.
Jun 18th, 2015 by Hayley KeithThe Strange Politics of Anti-Streetcar-ites
So when is that referendum coming, and where are those aldermanic opponents?
Jun 18th, 2015 by Bruce MurphyThe City’s Real Costs for Bucks Arena
The exact total is unknown, but will be much higher than media has reported.
Jun 17th, 2015 by Pat SmallWill Jobs Record Hurt Walker’s Presidential Bid?
The numbers for Wisconsin are bad, yet Walker is a leading presidential candidate. Why?
Jun 17th, 2015 by Bruce Thompson