
Government Policies Tough on Working Poor

Government Policies Tough on Working Poor

Many work for fast food chains and are hurt by Badger Care changes.

Your Right to Know: Court Creates Loophole in Open Records Law
Your Right to Know

Court Creates Loophole in Open Records Law

State Supreme Court ruling may allow governments to evade or delay obeying law.

Op-Ed: Schools Need Help For Hungry Children

Schools Need Help For Hungry Children

Assembly bill seeks to give more kids access to quality meals for breakfast and lunch.

Murphy’s Law: Common Ground’s $30 Million Victory for City
Murphy’s Law

Common Ground’s $30 Million Victory for City

Pressure on Bucks owner Wes Edens results in Nationstar’s $30 million pledge to prevent foreclosures.

Data Wonk: Mysteries of the John Doe investigation
Data Wonk

Mysteries of the John Doe investigation

The probe has left many mysteries and unanswered questions. First of two parts.

Op-Ed: TIF Districts Are Overused, Abused

TIF Districts Are Overused, Abused

Legislation requiring “best practices” in their use is needed.

Wisconsin Women Earn 81% Of What Men Do

Wisconsin Women Earn 81% Of What Men Do

The gap has fallen from 59 cents for every dollar earned by men to 81 cents. Why does the gap persist?

Don’t Dabble With Future of UW, Tech Colleges

Don’t Dabble With Future of UW, Tech Colleges

Republican proposal to merge them is neither timely nor well thought out.

Op-Ed: ALEC Aims to Privatize All Schools

ALEC Aims to Privatize All Schools

Wisconsin follows its lead but Nevada's sweeping law sends shock waves.

$1,000 Per Hour Lobbyists Roam Capitol

$1,000 Per Hour Lobbyists Roam Capitol

WDC analysis finds 47 groups spent at least that lobbying legislators in Madison.

Murphy’s Law: How Walker Wasted Pricey Legal Help
Murphy’s Law

How Walker Wasted Pricey Legal Help

He ignored $2.2 million report concluding Kenosha casino had no legal risks.

Murphy’s Law: The Twisted Tale of Talgo
Murphy’s Law

The Twisted Tale of Talgo

Settlement forces state to pay more for trains it didn’t get, leaving it with slower Amtrak trains.