
The State of Politics: Why Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary Matters
The State of Politics

Why Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary Matters

It’s a classic swing state that has usually voted for the winner.

Op-Ed: Does Justice Bradley Oppose Birth Control?

Does Justice Bradley Oppose Birth Control?

There’s no evidence she’s ever repudiated her past statements against some forms of contraception.

Wisconsin Budget: Legislators Made Criminal Justice Reforms
Wisconsin Budget

Legislators Made Criminal Justice Reforms

They “banned the box” for employees, increased alternatives to prison, upped penalties for drunk driving.

Murphy’s Law: Chris Abele Is In Deep Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Chris Abele Is In Deep Trouble

A year ago he was a shoo-in for reelection. Now he's in the fight of his life.

Six Achievements of Obamacare

Six Achievements of Obamacare

Including a 43% drop in uninsured non-elderly adults and 76 million more getting preventive care.

Chris vs. Chris: Who Works Better with Other Governments?
Chris vs. Chris

Who Works Better with Other Governments?

Including the city and other local governments? The responses are revealing.

Wisconsin Budget: New Legislative Changes Impact Schools
Wisconsin Budget

New Legislative Changes Impact Schools

Cuts for districts with voucher schools and reduction in program for smaller class sizes will have impact.

Data Wonk: Did Club for Growth Help Create Trump?
Data Wonk

Did Club for Growth Help Create Trump?

Conservatives that got courts to end campaign spending limits gave Trump his key issue.

Wisconsin Budget: State Lags in Reporting Medicaid Data
Wisconsin Budget

State Lags in Reporting Medicaid Data

Wisconsin reports less data on quality of pediatric health care than nearly any state.

The State of Politics: Legislative Session Passed Historic Changes
The State of Politics

Legislative Session Passed Historic Changes

Republicans say voters will reward them this fall. Democrats are preparing attacks.

Op-Ed: City’s Health Coverage a Huge Success

City’s Health Coverage a Huge Success

Milwaukee's success holding down costs of employee health care echoes that of some private employers.

Chris Vs Chris: How to Handle Mentally Ill and Homeless
Chris Vs Chris

How to Handle Mentally Ill and Homeless

Surprise, the candidates for count exec disagree on both issues.