
Murphy’s Law: Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?

And a possible running mate? Atlantic Mag charts the rising star of Milwaukee’s sheriff.

The State of Politics: Who Wins From Walker Tax Cuts?
The State of Politics

Who Wins From Walker Tax Cuts?

There are many winners... depending on how you analyze data.

Op-Ed: How Hillary Could Win GOP Votes

How Hillary Could Win GOP Votes

Many Republicans won’t support Trump. Clinton could appeal, with the right policies.

How Walker Won The Rural Vote

How Walker Won The Rural Vote

Resentment of Milwaukee and Madison was a key factor. Excerpt from new book.

Op-Ed: State Could Still Get Medicaid Dollars

State Could Still Get Medicaid Dollars

Would substitute for state spending, yielding millions for schools, roads, UW System.

Your Right to Know: State Should Protect Student Journalists
Your Right to Know

State Should Protect Student Journalists

Eight states have passed laws limiting censorship of student publications. Why not Wisconsin?

Wisconsin Budget: Slow Progress on State Rainy Day Fund
Wisconsin Budget

Slow Progress on State Rainy Day Fund

Walker administration made some contributions but fund is still tiny.

The State of Politics: Marty Schreiber’s Last Campaign
The State of Politics

Marty Schreiber’s Last Campaign

The former governor, faced with his beloved wife’s dementia, urges others to ask for help.

Murphy’s Law: State Drags Feet On Lead-Tainted Water
Murphy’s Law

State Drags Feet On Lead-Tainted Water

Its program underfunds Milwaukee while pushing for upgrades that residents can't afford.

Data Wonk: How to Attract Jobs to Wisconsin
Data Wonk

How to Attract Jobs to Wisconsin

Walker’s policies haven’t worked. More urban-centered policies could improve things.

Op-Ed: Why Voter ID Education Needed

Why Voter ID Education Needed

Confusing law is disenfranchising voters, education would help assure fair elections.

State Revokes Subsidy For Illinois Company

State Revokes Subsidy For Illinois Company

W.W. Grainger got $500,000 in tax credits, but created no jobs.