
Op-Ed: Walker’s High Speed Folly

Walker’s High Speed Folly

Was governor’s biggest mistake turning down federal money for high speed rail?

Op-Ed: Wisconsin’s Real Voting Problems

Wisconsin’s Real Voting Problems

Reports by Common Cause and League of Women Voters spotlight two ways democracy denied.

Murphy’s Law: How to Destroy a Transit System
Murphy’s Law

How to Destroy a Transit System

County board's free bus ride program triggers huge deficits that could overwhelm system.

Op-Ed: Will Republican Party Lose Its Soul?

Will Republican Party Lose Its Soul?

GOP should stick to its principles and reject Trump. Ryan could lead the way.

The State of Politics: UW Faculty Protests Anger GOP Legislators
The State of Politics

UW Faculty Protests Anger GOP Legislators

Walker and legislators double down: they won’t restore UW cuts or tenure protection.

Op-Ed: Walker Has Slashed Women’s Health Care

Walker Has Slashed Women’s Health Care

600 family planning centers dropped, cancer screening declines for low income women.

MPS Teachers Oppose State Partnership Plan

MPS Teachers Oppose State Partnership Plan

They demand specifics; Demond Means denies he will “takeover” failing schools.

Murphy’s Law: Why Urban School Chiefs Fail
Murphy’s Law

Why Urban School Chiefs Fail

The lessons of former MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton’s firing in Baltimore.

Op-Ed: Action Needed on Student Loan Debt

Action Needed on Student Loan Debt

Democratic plan lets college grads refinance debt and lower debt, as with mortgages.

Wisconsin Budget: State Has Fourth Biggest Middle Class
Wisconsin Budget

State Has Fourth Biggest Middle Class

But the percent of in the middle has dropped more than most states since 2000.

Op-Ed: You Are Losing Your University

You Are Losing Your University

No confidence vote warns public: the UWM you knew will be lost.

Waukesha Water Plan Leaves Bad Taste

Waukesha Water Plan Leaves Bad Taste

Critics say Great Lakes diversion will feed urban sprawl, cause pollution and lead to more water grabs.