
Campaign Cash: Liberal Group Spends $225,000 on Evers
Campaign Cash

Liberal Group Spends $225,000 on Evers

Greater Wisconsin Committee buying TV ads in Milwaukee, Green Bay areas.

Wisconsin Budget: 5 Ways Trump’s Budget Hurts State
Wisconsin Budget

5 Ways Trump’s Budget Hurts State

Huge losses for schools, heating assistance, environment, state budget.

Murphy’s Law: Can Holtz Beat Evers?
Murphy’s Law

Can Holtz Beat Evers?

Incumbent Superintendent Evers worries that dark money will rescue Holtz.

Data Wonk: Three Whopping Data Lies
Data Wonk

Three Whopping Data Lies

Or how Walker, Schimel, Trump jump from correlation to causality.

Massage Therapist Rules Overdone?

Massage Therapist Rules Overdone?

State’s continuing education requirements questioned.

Campaign Cash: Top Donors to Superintendent Candidates
Campaign Cash

Top Donors to Superintendent Candidates

Unions love incumbent Evers; corporate leaders back Holtz.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Milwaukee County Fixes GO Pass
Eyes on Milwaukee

Milwaukee County Fixes GO Pass

Fees and new requirements for free ride program with huge cost overruns.

Court Watch: Wales v. Yang, Closing Arguments
Court Watch

Wales v. Yang, Closing Arguments

They’re getting nasty, dueling over alleged dirty campaigning.

Op Ed: Trump Budget Would Hurt City
Op Ed

Trump Budget Would Hurt City

$54 billion annual spending cut would hit long list of needed city programs.

Eyes on Milwaukee: City Won’t Delay Streetcar for County
Eyes on Milwaukee

City Won’t Delay Streetcar for County

Ald Zielinski's attempt to delay streetcar for county only gets his own vote.

Op Ed: Why Trump’s Art of the Deal Failed
Op Ed

Why Trump’s Art of the Deal Failed

He knows little about health care, and Ryan had the wrong plan.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Food Trucks Banned On Brady Street
Eyes on Milwaukee

Food Trucks Banned On Brady Street

Council okays ban request by business improvement district. Mayor must approve.