
Murphy’s Law: Richard Uihlein, GOP Kingmaker
Murphy’s Law

Richard Uihlein, GOP Kingmaker

Should one billionaire dictate the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate?

Op Ed: How to Get a Better Deal From Foxconn
Op Ed

How to Get a Better Deal From Foxconn

Company is a famously hard-nosed negotiator. State must be, too.

Barrett Seeks State Okay for City Sales Tax

Barrett Seeks State Okay for City Sales Tax

Says city budget “not sustainable,” big police cuts certain without new revenue source.

The Contrarian: MacIver Attack on WISDOT Slammed
The Contrarian

MacIver Attack on WISDOT Slammed

Gottlieb, former transportation head, refutes claims of wasteful spending.

Wisconsin Budget: Proposal Limits Schools’ Energy Efficiency
Wisconsin Budget

Proposal Limits Schools’ Energy Efficiency

186 districts have funded money-saving projects since 2009; legislation would restrict this.

Op Ed: Where Will Foxconn Find Workers?
Op Ed

Where Will Foxconn Find Workers?

State’s working age population in decline. Will Foxconn pay enough so workers move here?

Bay View Park Proposal Rejected

Bay View Park Proposal Rejected

Zielinski wants to create park next to another park. But Plan Commission denies zoning changes.

Trump Impacts Dairy Farms, Milwaukee Police

Trump Impacts Dairy Farms, Milwaukee Police

Crackdown on illegal immigrants, “sanctuary cities” may force changes in county and state.

Murphy’s Law: Right-Wing TV News Kingdom Rising
Murphy’s Law

Right-Wing TV News Kingdom Rising

Sinclair Broadcasting could become biggest player in state’s top media markets.

Op Ed: Rojo Is a Trump-Style Loose Cannon
Op Ed

Rojo Is a Trump-Style Loose Cannon

Ron Johnson insults McCain, supports Trump’s reckless rhetoric on North Korea.

Op Ed: In Defense of School Choice
Op Ed

In Defense of School Choice

Sorry, Rep. Taylor, vouchers aren’t about making a profit, but giving parents choices.

The Contrarian: Moody’s State Debt Upgrade is Perplexing
The Contrarian

Moody’s State Debt Upgrade is Perplexing

Walker says it’s due to his reforms. But... the deficit is rising.