
Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Approves Waukesha Water Deal
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Approves Waukesha Water Deal

Only one alderman objects to 40-year, $286 million deal.

Murphy’s Law: The Fall and Rise of WEAC
Murphy’s Law

The Fall and Rise of WEAC

Once mighty state teachers union has lost its clout, yet many members stick with it.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Overrides Most of Mayor’s Vetoes
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Overrides Most of Mayor’s Vetoes

Bauman accuses Barrett of false promises, Stamper calls mayor "disingenuous."

Wisconsin Budget: Which Federal Tax Plan Is Better?
Wisconsin Budget

Which Federal Tax Plan Is Better?

Majority of taxpayers lose under both plans, but in different ways.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Evan Goyke
NEWaukeean of the Week

Evan Goyke

"I would love to see better access to rail, buses, biking, walking/running, etc."

The State of Politics: Is State Elections Process “At Risk”?
The State of Politics

Is State Elections Process “At Risk”?

Elections Commission, legislators, predict problems if staff not restored.

Voters’ Rights Are In Peril, Experts Say

Voters’ Rights Are In Peril, Experts Say

Voter ID, roadblocks to voting discussed by panel at MU event.

Biking: Bike Commuter Tax Break Threatened

Bike Commuter Tax Break Threatened

Senate version of tax plan ends $20 per month benefit for those biking to work.

$100,000 Grant for Violence Prevention Plan

$100,000 Grant for Violence Prevention Plan

Bader Philanthropies grant helps fund effort pushed by Health Commissioner Bevan Baker.

Data Wonk: Is Waukesha County Becoming Less Red?
Data Wonk

Is Waukesha County Becoming Less Red?

Perhaps not, but legislative districts straddling its border are changing.

Campaign Cash: High Court Candidate Hires Koch Operatives
Campaign Cash

High Court Candidate Hires Koch Operatives

Judge Michael Screnock’s Supreme Court campaign hires former execs of Koch-funded groups.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Committee Okays Waukesha Water Deal
Eyes on Milwaukee

Committee Okays Waukesha Water Deal

Key council committee approves largest collaborative deal in region's history.